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我低语。I whispered.

我轻声低语道。I murmured quietly.

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它在低语着什么“What was it it whispered?"

“对不起,”贾斯帕喃喃低语。“Sorry, ” Jasper muttered.

这家伙在低语什么?What is this guy whispering?

那声音听上去象是一声低语。I heard a sound like a whisper.

这就是镰刀的低语。The whisper of the scythe then.

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就总在叹息,总在低语Are sighing and whispering still

凝霜沉声低语。Ning frost sinks a low language.

那声音听上去象是一声低语。The sound sounds like a whisper.

他们都对着新生婴儿轻柔低语。They all cooed over the new baby.

小伙子对着女孩钟情地低语。The young man cooed over the girl.

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一下轻抚,一次热吻,一声柔情蜜意的低语。A touch, a kiss, a whisper of love.

从她的唇间发出痛苦的喃喃低语。A murmur of pain broke from her lips.

凄然地低语,爱为何消逝Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled

段段的倾诉低语。Section of sections pour out whisper.

喃喃低语,些许伤感爱为何逝去。Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled.

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凄然的低语,爱为何消逝。Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled.

并且低语着。“到我这儿来,我的欲望,”And whispering. "Come to me my desire,"

凄然地低语那爱的消逝。Murmur , a little sadly, how love fled.