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你家装自动防盗警报器了吗?Does your house have a burglar alarm?

甚至这个警示牌根本就没有安装警报器。Or even the sign with no alarm at all.

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有些装置还配有门锁甚至警报器。Some models have locks or even alarms.

亲爱的,那噪音是从隔壁传来的警报器声吗?Honey , is that noise an alarm from next door?

一辆汽车响着警报器从我的身边飞驰而去。A car highballed passing me with ringing siren.

如果有了火,你就能拉起火警警报器。If there's a fire then you can push the fire alarm.

我非常吝啬,在我家垃圾箱里安装了个盗匪警报器。I’m so mean I’ve got a burglar alarm on my dustbin.

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而齐妮亚镇甚至没有警报器。The town of Xenia didn't even have a warning siren.

警报器在早晨的冷空气里尖厉地呼啸著。The siren wailed piercingly in the cold morning air.

贼进入仓库,警报器就会发出报警声。Once a thief gets into the garage, the alarm will ring.

装有警报器,预防入室抢劫者。House is equipped with alarm to avoid unpredicted burglars.

坎帕纳猛地扳动火车刹车,拉响了警报器。Campana slammed on the train's brake and blasted his air horn.

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那是深夜,幸好我自制的警报器把我吵醒了。Fortunately, the buzzer of my homemade burglar alarm woke me up.

手持时钟软件的诺基亚N82支持警报器的任何情况。Handy Clock software for Nokia N82 supports alarms for any case.

有了“分手警报器”,用户可以选择想要关注的朋友。With that breakup app, users select friends they want to monitor.

当时火险警报器响了,我一把抓起衣服就往外跑。Then the fire alarm ____ ___. I just grabbed my clothes and ran out.

当时火险警报器响了,我一把抓起衣服就往外跑。Then the fire alarm went off. I just grabbed my clothes and ran out.

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就在劫匪拿回去重写时,柜员拉响了无声警报器。As the robber was rewriting the note the teller activated a silent alarm.

美国联邦消防署编撰每州对住宅烟雾警报器的准则。The USFA compiled state-by-state residential guidelines for smoke alarms.

警报器虽然已经过时了,但在沿海发生紧急情况时,仍能帮助拯救生命。Sirens are old-fashioned, but they help save lives in coastal emergencies.