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他的旧毛巾满是窟窿。His old towels are in holes.

因此,有人必须再一次填补这个窟窿。So, again, someone must fill the hole.

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这种酸把我的上衣烧了一个窟窿。The acid has burnt a hole in my jacket.

墙上到处都是子弹打的窟窿。The wall was riddled with bullet holes.

我们从篱笆的一个窟窿硬挤进去。We squeezed through a hole in the fence.

针尖大的窟窿,斗大的风。A big wind can blow through a small hole.

弄一筐石灰碴来替我堵上这窟窿。A hod of plaster for me to stop this hole with!

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大老鼠把那些面粉袋嗑出了窟窿。The rats have eaten holes in those bags of flour.

墙上的小窟窿成了大裂口。The holes in the walls were turning into big gaps.

桶上有个窟窿,亲爱的丽莎。There’s a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza.

在大坝靠湖的一侧可瞥见两个很较着的窟窿。Two holes were visible on the lake side of the dam.

这一次,他将岩石放进他挖开的窟窿里,岩石稳稳地呆在里面,慢慢地形成了一面挡土石壁。Only this time, he placed rocks in the holes he dug.

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木头已经朽了,用手指一戳竟是一个窟窿。The wood is so rotten you can put your finger through it.

她被关在那间黑窟窿般的单人牢房里关太久了。She'd been stuck in that black hole of a cell for so long.

原来是一只狼顺着窟窿爬进了羊圈,叼走了一只羊。A wolf had gotten in through the hole and taken a sheep away.

买件没窟窿的衬衫找个漂亮姑娘,然后带她吃顿晚餐呢?Buy a shirt with no holes, find a wahine and take her to dinner.

她在纸窗上捅了一个窟窿,让一线亮光透进来。She poked a hole in the papered window to let in a streak of light.

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她的嘴唇在颤抖,她的脸颊湿润,她的眼睛是红肿的窟窿。Her lip was trembling, her cheeks were wet, her eyes were red-rimmed holes.

气流不仅制造云塔云山,还会撕裂云层,制造窟窿和深渊。Airflows create not just towers and hills, but also some breaches and abysses.

原来,狼又是从这个窟窿里钻进来,把羊叼走了。Apparently the wolf had entered through the hole again and stole another sheep.