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末世论是什么?What's eschatology?

我们生活在末世!We are living in the end-time!

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保罗思想中的圣灵观与末世论。Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul.

不过,这一套末世预言大可不必全信。But don't believe all the doomsaying.

我们姑且叫那“末实现的末世论Let's just call that "reserved eschatology."

实际上这篇文献没有末世论。In fact,this text is not at all eschatological.

这被学者称为“实现末世论This is called by scholars "realized eschatology."

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这里的对照有历史性,末世性的意义。The contrast is historical and eschatological in its scope.

可是两者的末世观并不相同。But the two eschatological points of view are not identical.

末世论是关于最终极和“末后”的事。Eschatology is about ultimate things as well as "last" things.

在一个相关的故事里,这是末世圣徒的洗礼。And in a related story it was baptized by the Latter Day Saints.

圣灵的救赎工作,本质上是末世性的。Redemptive work of the Holy Spirit is inherently eschatological.

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你们这因信蒙神能力保守的人,必能得著所预备、到末世要显现的救恩。You are being guarded by God's power through faith in the last time.

在这末世的日子里,你是如何制定你的目标和计划呢?How are you doing with your goals and plans for this Decade of Destiny?

我们同样看到律法与福音的末世对比。We see the same eschatological contrast between the law and the gospel.

基督教的历史末世论传统到底发源自何处?Where did this Christian tradition of historical eschatology originate?

这类错谬的行径,在基督再来之前的末世会愈发加增。This type of error will increase in the last days before Christ returns.

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无千禧年派比较正确理解基督的末世王权。A- millennial does better justice to the eschatological kingship of Christ.

希腊末世反映在荷马诗歌仍然处于较低的水平。Greek eschatology as reflected in the Homeric poems remains at a low level.

末世的灭忙如何挑战世上的价值观?What worldly values are challenged by the picture of apocalyptic destruction?