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寒流正在发威呢!This cold front is taking its toll!

我知道寒流来到,你遭遇风霜。I know you have come to the cold, frost.

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一顿美食有助于人体抵抗寒流。A good meal helps get anyone through a cold snap.

高天滚滚寒流急,大地微微暖气吹。On the vast earth warm winds gradually growing high.

霜化了,新的霜又结上了一层,又来了一股寒流。The frost had gone, and then a new frost had come, a new wave of cold.

如果人们种的杜鹃花在寒流中冻僵了,那肯定是因为他向花上吹了气。When people's azaleas froze in a cold snap, it was because he had breathed on them.

那一日,寒流来袭,温度骤然下降,寒冷笼罩着这一座城。That day, the cold, the temperature plummeted, cold enveloped the city for this one.

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在2010年一个寒流来的晚上,沙米在师大商圈被一位SPCA专员发现。Sammy was spotted in the Shida area by an SPCA staff one cold winter evening in 2010.

然而2004年的重庆商业地产则遭遇了一场剧烈的寒流。However the Chongqing commerce real estate 2004 encountered an acuteness cold current.

风从脸边刮过,我感觉到一股股的寒流直扎心底。Scratched from the face side of the wind, I felt a Unit of the cold hearts of straight bar.

每年十月,当最初的寒流来到的时候,威拉嶙峋的山峰,便盈满了白雪。The jagged peaks of the Verras become covered with snow during the first cold days of October.

每年十月,当最初的寒流来到的时候,威拉嶙峋的山峰,便盈满了白雪。The jagged peaks of the verras become covered with snow during the first cold days of october.

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由于北冰洋寒流的影响,俄罗斯远东地区堪察加半岛上的严寒春季持续了好几个月。Because of the cold ocean current, the spring on eastern Kamchatka lasts for quite a long time.

两个月过去了,旧霜化了,结了新霜,又来了一次新的寒流。More than two months passed. The frost had gone, and then a new frost had come, a new wave of cold.

这股寒流给博湖地区带来了风雪,对超过七千公顷的农作物造成严重影响。The cold front has also brought snow to Bohu county affecting over seven thousand hectares of crop.

一场想不到的寒流摧毁了父亲的一排已经长了两年的小桃树。Unexpected cold snaps had destroyed the bubs on my father's young peach tree for two years in a row.

就在地震海啸刚刚过去没几天,寒流将大雪带到了日本东北地区。Just days after the earthquake and tsunami, a cold front brought winds and snow to northeastern Japan.

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兰盆放置最好坐北朝南,可以防止寒流的直接侵入。The flowerpots should be laid facing south, and it may prevent the direct invasion of the cold current.

纳坦说,与往年同期相比,这股寒流确实比较罕见,但并不异常。Natan said that compared with previous years, this cold spell is actually relatively rare, but not abnormal.

上周降温,东北降雪,气候反常。有些科学家说是全球变暖信号,冰山融化吸收热量而造成的短期寒流。Scientist says that it is a sign of global warming and cold weather is caused by melting process of iceberg.