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童年在北京、天津度过,1929年迁回上海。Childhood in Beijing, Tianjin spent, move back to Shanghai in 1929.

不久法利是非常的好以至于可以迁回自己的在托儿所的家中。The strategy right now is just to try to get him to be a better climber.

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但对于那些想把生产业务迁回美国的企业来说,这却是件好事。But for those who want to reclaim production to U.S. shores, it's a plus.

去年夏天,台湾新闻界充斥着鸿海将生产迁回岛内的讨论。Last summer the Taiwanese press was abuzz about production moving back home.

美国家具生产商Sauder也在将产能从一些低工资国家迁回美国。U.S. furniture maker Sauder is moving production back home from low-wage countries.

抗日战争胜利后的1946年,清华大学迁回清华园原址复校。After the war, in 1946, the university was moved back to its original location in Beijing.

大约150名原住户迁回了奥克华海滩公寓,这里的第一期工程已经完工了。At Oakwood Shores, with only the first phase built, about 150 original residents have moved back.

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它们如今本应该迁回,在五月上旬就应该开始授课。They were supposed to have relocated by now, with lectures due to have begun in the south in early May.

清华大学在抗战胜利后的1946年由昆明迁回北平。After the War of Resistance Against Japan, Tsinghua University was removed from Kunming to Beiping in 1946.

第一次是从上海迁往武汉,第二次则是从武汉迁回上海。It is from Shanghai change goes to Wuhan for the first time, it is from Wuhan change answers Shanghai the 2nd.

如果你想把企业迁回美国,从废除所有的自由贸易协议开始。If you want to bring manufacturing back to this country, start by repealing all the free trade agreements we have.

一旦我看到真实的、可量化的证据,我才会相信美国公司迁回了国内制造业。I'll believe once I see real, quantifiable evidence that U. S. companies are back doing manufacturing domestically.

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所以说现在充满仇恨的主流媒体正试图洗脑我们去认为把制造业迁回到美国是一个非常糟糕的事情?So now the bitter MSM is trying to brain wash us into thinking bringing manufacturing back to the U. S. is a BAD thing?

在新建的公寓预计完工一年之前,社会工作者就会打电话给那些可能希望迁回的住户。More than a year before new buildings are scheduled to be finished, caseworkers call residents who might want to move back.

他带领家人欢喜迁回乔园,信芳亦斋戒期满返家与儿孙团圆。He led the family to move back to the joy of Joe garden, letter Fang also fast expiration to return home with their reunion.

在2005年春季,我迁回南加州开始下一章我的职业生涯作为一个自由的概念艺术家。In the Spring of 2005, I relocated back to Southern California to start the next chapter of my career as a freelance concept artist.

为什么生产会从低成本的世界工厂迁回六倍工资于中国并且有工会组织的美国工厂?Why move production from the world's low-cost workshop back to a unionized U. S. factory where wages are six times higher than in China?

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这次普查研究会帮助确定鱼儿是始终在家附近活动,还是年复一年地在原住地迁出和迁回。The census study should help determine whether the fish remain close to home or migrate and then return to the same areas year after year.

1938年广州沦陷,1939年广州基督教青年会迁往韶关,直到1945年日本投降才迁回广州。In 1938, Gangzhou fell to Japanese hands and in 1939, the YMCA of Guangzhou transferred to Shaoguan and in 1945 it moved back to Guangzhou.

将教廷最高权力机构从阿维农迁回罗马是他一生的主张和晚年的执着追求。Letting the supreme organization of the Christianity move to Rome was his last hope in Petrarch's life and he tried his best to realize the aim.