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要游的距离太长了。It's such a long swim.

距离是你的敌人。Distance is your enemy.

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爱情能缩短距离。Love shortens distance.

这里距离那有多远?How far is it from here ?

距离不长的四杆洞。Four holes of long distance.

保持距离,以策安全。Keep the distance for safety.

横排孔中心离地面距离。Roughing in center to ground.

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这是同样的距离。These are the same distances.

科林得跟我保持距离。Colin is keeping his distance.

距离只是一个借口。Distance is just a subterfuge.

这段距离我估计是十英里。I make the distance ten miles.

记录你能达到的距离。Note the distance you reached.

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不要为了时间和距离而跑步。Don't run for time or distance.

距离之大,不可思议。Vast distances boggle the mind.

距离避免飞蛾扑火。Distance avoids us fast burning.

十英里并非一段很长的距离。Ten miles isn't a long distance.

那支箭落在距离目标很远的地方。The arrow fell wide of the mark.

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他计算该距离为八十公里。He computed the distance at 80km.

我只能游很近一段距离。I can swim only about the length.

它距离地球870光年远。It is 870 light-years from Earth.