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解码芯片有两路电流输出。Chip DAC's have two current outputs.

下一步就是对信息进行解码。The next step is to decode the message.

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将位元组序列解码成字串。Decodes a sequence of bytes into a string.

从一个URL格式解码字符串。Decodes string from an URL-friendly format.

解码板支持RS232通讯。The decode board supports RS232 communication.

程序对解码后的字符串进行操作。Your program operates on those decoded strings.

我知道这些力量,我可以对这些样本进行解码。If I know the forces, I can decipher the samples.

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然后根据你的耳机再建立二房、解码系统。Then build your amp and DAC to match the headphones.

如果一个CPU使用固定位数的操作码,那么解码过程是简单的。If a CPU uses a fixed size op-code, decoding is simple.

木质外箱,可寻址解码开关机,调频双通道。Wood boxes, searching coding switch, Double FM channels.

接下来是字节“B”,仍然原封未动,故而照原样解码。The next byte B, is literal also, so it is decoded as is.

提出一种基于动态电压调节的低功耗解码技术。A novel low-power video decoding based on DVS is proposed.

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每个解码输出在一个全时钟周期内保持高电平。Each decoded output remains high for one full clock cycle.

更多信息,查看解码混淆过的堆栈跟踪信息。See Decoding Obfuscated Stack Traces for more information.

CAL向游戏应用程序提供经解码的媒体。The CAL provides the decoded media to the game application.

金额将提存和解码成功后释放。Amount will be escrowed and release upon successful decoded.

本文报告了一种新的纯软件视频编解码算法。A novel software-only video codec is presented in this paper.

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不过在这个电影中,那个小孩得到了一个小的机密解码戒指。But in this movie, the kid gets a little secret decoder ring.

NET中的视图解码自动发出的浏览器。NET automatically decodes the ViewState sent by the browsers.

系统对各种MPEG-1视频测试位流的解码回放均可稳定正常工作。The PL VOD system works normally on all sorts of MPEG-1 streams.