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她是个势利眼。She's a snob.

她竟是这样一个势利眼!She's such a snob!

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他是个十足的势利眼。He was a fearful snob.

他就是个势利眼。He is nothing but a snob.

我很讨厌他的势利眼。I am sick of his snobbery.

那的势利眼也看不起你吗?。Did the snobs there look down on you, too?

他们是势利眼,这就是他们看不起我们的原因。They are snobs. That is why they look down upon us.

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太多钱使有些人变成势利眼。Too much money causes some people to become snobbish.

的确,美国人对社会地位或不同工作没有什么势利眼。There is certainly not much social snobbery or job snobbery.

做人不能太势利眼了,嫌贫爱富的人让人痛恨。One shouldn't be too snobbish, as snobs are hated by all people.

北京受访者选择“排外”的比例最大,上海受访者抱怨当地“势利眼”的最多。" Snobbish " was the word for Shanghai among most of the local respondents.

站在屋顶上,我揭露了你们中的伪君子、势利眼、骗子、像水泡一般华而不实的庸人。From the housetop I proclaimed you hypocrites, Pharisees, tricksters , false and empty earth-bubbles.

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他们的父亲和祖父大多是以小农致富的,不会有那种势利眼。Too many of their fathers and grandfathers had come up to wealth from the small farmer class for that.

没有多少人说她是社会上的势利眼,但是,很少有人否认她在智力上总显得盛气凌人。Not many people described her as a social snob , but there are few who deny she is an intellectual snob.

它们是我反问自己是否是一个势利眼当我清醒,漫步在人潮之中时,尽管这个问题本身就是令人十分不快的。They make me ask myself if I am really such a snob when I am waking, and this in itself is very unpleasant.

或许永远不会知道她真的是太势利眼了。Had she met him under normal circumstances, he might never have known what an appalling snob she really was.

现在她成了孤儿,母亲那边的那些势利眼的亲戚将要把她带到新月农场跟他们一起住。Now Emily's an orphan, and her mother's snobbish relatives are taking her to live with them at New Moon Farm.

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说起艺术,Gass就油然势利眼起来,他嬉戏而又正经地展现了自己的这一态度。Gass is an unapologetic snob when it comes to the arts, and wields this attitude in ways both playful and serious.

上海有中国最壮观的摩天大厦,最精致的菜肴,还有一大群…大北京主义者所谓的“势利眼”。Shanghai is home to the country's most spectacular skyline, its most exquisite cuisine and, Beijing chauvinists would say, a lot of snobs.