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阅读我很在行。I'm good at reading.

我对中国食物并不在行。I am not into chine food.

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画画儿我还挺在行的。I'm quite good at painting.

该团在行军中。The regiment is on the march.

攀冰岩我很在行。I am an expert at ice climbing.

你真的对画画儿很在行啊?Are you really good at painting?

他是补缀汽车的熟手在行。He's an old hand at fixing cars.

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他对音乐十分在行。He's quite clued up about music.

她织毛衣很在行。She is good at knitting a sweater.

教你们句型我很在行哦。I am good at teaching you patterns.

哦,你在行驶向异乡的何处?Oh to what foreign land do you sail?

掱手在行窃是被捉住了。The pickpocket was caught in the act.

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那扒手在行窃时被当场逮住。The pickpocket was caught in the act.

这个扒手在行窃时被当场拿住。The pickpocket was caught in the act.

他们对提出抽象的原因很在行。They are very good at abstract reasons.

但是一个患有自闭症的人会对什么在行呢?But what does a person with autism age into?

新生一代喜欢赶时髦,对高新产品也很在行。The new generation is trendy and tech savvy.

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一说到音乐,约翰最在行了。When it comes to music, John is in the know.

在行社交亲吻礼时,总是等待女人去开始。waits for a woman to initiate a social kiss.

国际天文学联合会在行星的新定义中将轨道作为一项衡量标准。The new IAU planet definition mentions orbits.