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我有一块橡皮。I have an eraser.

三只橡皮小黄鸭!Three yellow ducks!

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这些橡皮在削价出售吗?Are the erasers on sale?

那些橡皮是你的吗?Are those erasers yours?

哪块橡皮你喜欢?Which eraser do you like?

橡皮球弹力好。A rubber ball bounces well.

我能用你的橡皮吗?。CanI use your eraser, please?

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那儿有一支钢笔和几块橡皮。There is a pen and some erasers.

他记得那个橡皮伐子吗?Had he remembered the rubber raft?

可以使橡皮球回跳。Rub ber balls can be made to bound.

你的教室里有橡皮吗?。Are there erasers in your classroom?

橡皮和玻璃是非导体。Non-conductors are rubber and glass.

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把橡皮放在你的笔袋里。Put your rubber in your pencil case.

打扰一下,这个橡皮多少钱?Execuse me, how much is this eraser ?

我的橡皮又到哪里去了?Now where did my eraser go this time?

皮革、橡皮和电线都是易弯曲的。Leather, rubber and wire are flexible.

不使用瓶子、橡皮奶头或安慰奶嘴。No use of bottles, teats or pacifiers.

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用橡皮清洁刷擦窗户。Bushes scraped against the car windows.

是的,我的教室里有橡皮。Yes, there are erasers in my classroom.

橡皮奶嘴、尿布、换洗的衣物。Pacifiers, diapers, a change of clothes.