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这様能提高经济增长,从而福祉社会。It boosts growth and thus wellbeing.

让人民的福祉成为最高律令。Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law.

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要善尽职责,为全人类谋求福祉。To do my duty, for the good of mankind in general.

不吃偏食可以改善健康和福祉。Eat a wide variety to improve health and well-being.

七月份预示着福祉的增长,射手。July bodes increased well being for you Sagittarians.

降低汽车的排气量是为了全人类的福祉。The reduction of car exhaust is good for all mankind.

创造力和福祉是唇齿相依的。Creativity and well being are intricately interrelated.

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大韩民国有关心人民福祉的领导人。It has leaders who care about the well-being of the people.

为了苍生的福祉,这事一定要被阻止。For the welfare of common people, this matter must be blocked.

表3给出了更详细的一种福祉方程。A more detailed kind of well-being equation is given in Table 3.

这是卡扎菲上校以东160公里的福祉保卫家乡苏尔特。It is 160km east of Col Gaddafi's well-defended hometown of Sirte.

一双像我一样的眼睛,公众福祉的警觉的守望者——阿尔佛雷德•坦尼森。To an eye like mine a lidless watcher of the public weal-alfred tennyson.

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社稷民生未来福祉,我心时刻记挂思念!"Always on my mind" for the long-term future fortune of social livelihood!

因为,我还拥有我的青春,我的福祉还在等我去寻求。Because, I still have my youth, my happiness is waiting for me to pursue th.

在1-10之间,你认为捷成集团在关心员工福祉方面的表现应得多少分?On a scale from 1-10, how much does Jebsen Group care about staff well being?

中国推行计划生育政策的目的之一就是增进儿少福祉。One of the purposes of China's one-child policy is to improve child wellbeing.

彻底的想清楚耶和华集于你身的所有祝福和福祉。Think through all the many blessings and benefits the Lord has heaped upon you.

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我们知道,缺水直接影响人类健康和福祉。We know that water scarcity has a direct impact on human health and well-being.

但不能有安息,得不着大福祉,除非你将一切全献上。But you cannot have rest, or be perfectly blest, Until all on the altar is laid.

他必须时刻想及中国人的灵性福祉,而不得抱有私念。He must entertain no thought of his own but ever think of their spiritual welfare.