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近似的和真实的的黄金螺旋线。Approximate and true golden spirals.

那是一个互相缠绕的两条螺旋线的图形。It was a graph of two intertwining spirals.

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那是一个互相缠绕的两条螺旋线构成的图形。It was a graph of two intertwining spirals.

大致近似于纸风车上的双重螺旋线。A rough approximation would be the dual spirals in pinwheel.

直杆和圆环杆为螺旋线状态的两种特例。The straight rod and the planar ring are two special cases of helix.

斐波那契螺旋是黄金螺旋线的近似表达。A Fibonacci spiral, which is a close approximation of a golden spiral.

这些银圆片围着中心螺旋线排成一个螺旋体。A number of silver discs arranged around a central helix to form a spiral.

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本文提出了返波管用多螺旋线的新发展。In this paper, a new development of multifilar helices for BWT is proposed.

这个著名的错觉被称为扭曲的螺旋线或者虚假的螺旋幻象。This famous illusion is known as the twisted cord or false spiral illusion.

渐渐的,出现了凌乱的折线、曲线和像蜗牛一样的螺旋线等等,多么神奇!Gradually, the curve line, messy and like a snail Helix and so on, what magic!

桶式横滚的飞行路径的形状就像一个水平螺旋线。The flight path during a barrel roll has the shape of a horizontal cork screw.

该方法的实质是用阿基米德螺旋线去逼近离散椭圆。The principle of this method is to use Archimedes spiral to approaching ellipse.

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旋开螺钉后拆下气囊螺旋线圈,并拔出接头。Remove air bag contact unit after loosening the screws and pulling the connector.

她在螺旋线圈本上做满了笔记,记下有关字体、行距以及十几种其他功能的操作方法。Her spiral book filled up with notes about fonts, spacing and a dozen other functions.

目前最常见的斜拉索空气动力措施有螺旋线措施和凹坑措施。The most common cable aerodynamic measures is enlace spiral and press pits on the surface.

在这种表示法中,晶体应相当于许多螺旋线的平行排列。In the present representation this crystal would correspond to a parallel array of helices.

其中真滑刃线虫、茎线虫、螺旋线虫是优势种群。Aphelenchus spp. , Ditylenchus spp. and Helicotylenchus spp. among them are the edge of groups.

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螺旋线,抛物线,立方插值通常作为存储程序的算法。Helical, parabolic, and cubic interpolations are usually executed in a stored program algorithm.

还好,最近一项对蜗牛壳螺旋线的研究也许能给这个谜题带来一线光明。Recent research, though, into the way a snail’s shell spirals may throw new light on this puzzle.

得出的结论对螺旋线慢波系统设计工作的进一步开展指明了一个方向。The result can point out a way for the further developing of design of helix slow wave structures.