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最旁边的在玩极品飞车?Do your best, you are the best.

不用麻烦,咱蜗牛速度赛过极品飞车。Don't worry. It's a racing snail.

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武器不要什么极品,关键是速度快。Arms not what Acura, the key is speed.

是当代醴陵窑中的极品。Liling is a contemporary kiln in Need.

极品男今天要参加我们的讨论。JPN will join us in the discussion today.

我说,光是那极品长弓的价值就差不多了!I mean, the cost of masterwork bows alone!

让你知道什么叫真正的极品同事!Let you know what the real Acura colleagues!

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黄、味鲜、香脆、形圆者为极品。Huang, taste fresh and crisp, form for round.

出自教皇新堡平均树龄100年的极品佳酿!Pape average from 100 years old finest wines.

极品飞车,这是个很好玩儿的电脑游戏。"The rush" is a very interesting computer game.

极品男人表演拥有从消防队员到牛仔的所有角色。From studly firemen to sexy cowboys, Men of X has it all.

例如,极品的麦克纽杜雪茄都是纯手工制作。For example, the best of Mike Du cigars are pure handmade.

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他很幸运地采到了这个罕见的极品梅花参。Fortunately, he plucked a rare top-grade thelenota ananas.

极品五笔输入法,非常好用的打字工具。Need for five-stroke input method, very useful tool for typing.

用于代替用603渗碳工艺,不增加成本而使产品链条跃升为优极品。It made the chain leap to the high class produce instead of 603.

杰是爱尔兰人中最极品的渣子,他一直充当着迈尔斯的影子。Jay was Miles' shadow and a scrapper in the best Irish tradition.

于是,有人说我的身材是女生中的极品,男生中的劣品。So, some people say that I am the tall girls in Need, the Liepin boys.

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东西怎么样?极品,有设计家标签。怎么,你需要什么吗?。Is that right?Top of the line, designer labels. Why, you need something?

如果我是坏孩子,那我就要成为坏孩子中的最极品。If I was the bad boy. Then I was going to be the baddest boy of them all.

每天下午6点半去看看喂食魟鱼,这是一个真正的极品!Go and see the sting rays being fed at 6.30pm each day, it's a real treat!