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此次评选活动中演员赵薇占得次席。Actress Zhao Wei ran second in the poll.

位居政坛中最普遍“职业”次席的是商人。The second most common"profession"is that of businessman.

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在松浦晃一郎之后,亚洲肯定要退居次席。After Matsuura, Asia will certainly have to take a back seat.

你们一直习惯于高高在上,但是你们终究会退居次席。You are so used to being on top, but you will drop to second place.

意大利甲组联赛榜首的罗马暂时领先次席队伍六分。Leader AS Roma stayed provisionally six points clear at the top of the Italian Serie A.

烈士暮年,壮心不已。黄色潜水艇上赛季排名西甲次席。With Pires in the side the Yellow Submarine finished runners-up in last season's Primera Liga.

"非农就业人口数据将退居次席.希腊和欧洲是市场目前的主要关注点,"Detrick表示."Payrolls will take a backseat. Greece and Europe are all that matter right now," Detrick said.

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他们曾夺得过超过30项国内冠军,现在则在捷克甲级联赛中暂列次席。They have won no fewer than 30 domestic titles and currently lie second in the 'Gambrinus Liga'.

说德国这三名球星稍逊一筹也许并不公平,但他们在这场比赛中理所当然地要屈居次席。It would be unfair to say Germany’s trio were outclassed, but they were certainly second best on the day.

当罗马正排名联赛积分榜次席的时候,亚特兰大也在为一个欧战席位而努力。The Orobici are flying high and looking for a UEFA Cup spot, while the Giallorossi are currently in second place.

曼城现在取代了曼联的次席位置,利物浦则位居北区榜首。City now join United in second place, allowing Liverpool to snatch top spot in the Barclays Premier Reserve League North.

晚辈在长辈面前饮酒,叫侍饮,通常要先行跪拜礼,然后坐入次席。The younger generation in the elders, that waits before drink alcohol, usually first, and then sit into the second ritual.

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这样一来,贝卢斯科尼与那不勒斯年轻女子诺埃米•莱蒂齐亚说不清道不明的关系反倒退居次席了。This has pushed questions about Mr Berlusconi's relations with a young woman from Naples called Noemi Letizia into the background.

2011年2月份的时候,斯旺西曾凭借一波4连胜排名升至次席,但到了4月中旬,他们的排名却滑落到了第五位,落后于雷丁。Swansea climbed to second in February on the back of four successive wins but by mid-April they had slipped back to fifth, behind Reading.

西部赛区金州勇士队的中锋扎扎·帕楚利亚在最新公布的球迷投票中位列前场球员次席。In the Western Conference, Golden State center Zaza Pachulia was in second place among frontcourt players in the most recent fan voting update.

自一月九日贝尼特斯炮轰爵爷,红军已经落后曼联七分位列次席,本周六贝尼特斯将带队坐阵老特拉福德。Benitez's side visit Old Trafford on Saturday lunchtime having gone from seven points clear of United before the Jan 9 rant to seven points behind.

国际咨询公司美世日前发布世界各城市的海外派驻员工生活费排行榜,非洲安哥拉首都罗安达夺冠,日本东京居次席。Luanda, the capital of Angola in Africa, was ranked the most expensive city for expatriates, according to Mercer's Worldwide Cost of Living Survey.

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如果没有欧洲这场动荡,也许这些制造业报告的重要性会退居次席,让位于本周的重量级数据--美国月度非农就业报告.Were it not for Europe's woes, those manufacturing reports would take a back seat to the week's big number -- Friday's monthly U.S. employment report.

最北部的偈人也从他们的萨摩耶邻居那里借来了​驯鹿饲养。,但这一职业总是居于打猎和收集的次席。The northernmost Ket also borrowed reindeer breeding from their Samoyedic neighbors, but this occupation always remained secondary to hunting and foraging.

尽管目前在榜单上排名次席,但这对不可思议的夫妇将在2008年5月30日,也就是他们结婚69年168日之时,打破霍普夫妇保持的纪录。Although second on the list, this incredible couple will pass the Hopes' record on May 3rd, 2008 when they will have been married for 69 years and 168 days.