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他朝我们嫣然一笑。He gave us a pleasant smile.

嫣然一笑,在风轻云淡的日子里飘浅。Smiling, in clear days with light.

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梅嫣然一笑转向她的丈夫。May turned to her husband with a smile.

他做了这么多的努力只冀求她的嫣然一笑。He did so much only because of her smile.

嫣然一笑,右颊有酒窝浮现。Give a pleasant smile of a woman, right cheek dimples.

她眼睛瞪得圆圆的,并且还不知不觉地冲着他嫣然一笑。Her eyes enlarged, and she involuntarily smiled in his face.

格温当然明白他的意思,但只是嫣然一笑,没有做声。She knew what he meant, of course, but just smiled, did not speak.

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零星闪耀的是你嫣然一笑时闪过的明眸,此时无声胜有声,无声之外更无声。Sporadic shine is when you flash the smiled when audio silence, silence is more silent outside.

这些花是赫斯渥送的,她把目光投向经理的包厢,和他的目光相遇,嫣然一笑。They were Hurstwood's. She looked toward the manager's box for a moment, caught his eye, and smiled.

“唷,瞧那样多温存!”这说的是一位女性的嫣然一笑,或者回眸传情。"Say, some tenderness, that! " This is reference to a smile or a melting glance on the part of a female.

她也走到电梯房门前,看见明,就嫣然一笑,什么也不说。She also went to the elevator door, see tomorrow, will give a pleasant smile of a woman, what also don't say.

在朦胧的黄昏中,你嫣然一笑地走来,一路的对话中我知道有爱好的一致,志趣的相投。In the dim twilight, you give a pleasant smile of a woman comes, a dialogue I know had a hobby, interest group.

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袒胸露体的海伦坐在她身旁,同样地也对大家微露笑容,娜塔莎同样地也对鲍里斯嫣然一笑。Ellen sat in her nakedness close by her, and smiled on all alike, and just such a smile Natasha bestowed on Boris.

背景是一张放大了的黛安娜戴着皇冠回眸嫣然一笑的黑白照片。The background was an enlarged black and white photo of Diana wearing a beautiful crown turning her head back smiling beautifully.

方怡这么嫣然一笑,纵然脸上尘土未除,却也是俏丽难掩,韦小宝登时觉得身上一阵温暖。Fang Yi's face was still smudged with dirt, but to Trinket she seemed as lovely as ever, and the sight of her gave him a warm, tingling sensation.

我放声歌唱我忘情舞蹈我大声呼唤我跪地守候,只有你我美丽的女主人点头开心了就是我最大的欣慰,为此将竭尽所能只为博你嫣然一笑。I would like to sing, dance, exclaim and wait for you! Your happiness is my biggest comfort, and I will move mountain and earth to win your smile!

宇文达虽然行为恭谨,却也无法抗拒小怜的嫣然一笑,冷落了代王妃李氏,专宠于她。Yuwen up although the behavior of respectful, but could not resist Xiao Lian's smiling, turned a cold shoulder on behalf of the Princess Lee, special pet to her.

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如果觉得表演时可供自由发挥的余地并不多,他只要对着镜头嫣然一笑,那迷死人的小酒窝就会让女粉丝们陷入其中,无法自拔。Which is why, if he doesn't feel like giving much of a performance, he can always just grin at the camera until his dimples have turned the female half of his audience into mush.

然后,当女儿对父亲嫣然一笑,把双手放在父亲的肩膀上,同时喃喃叫出他一向容易心软的昵称时,就是世界上意志最坚强的父亲也会像婴儿一样无助。And then, when she smiles up at him and puts her hands on his shoulders and murmurs that pet name which he's always been a sucker for, the most determined father in the world is as helpless as a baby.