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快运说白了就一个字,快。Express it is a word, fast.

说白了,它也是一种降级的方法吗?。Is it just a way to downgrade?

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说白了,约翰是个懦夫。John is a coward, in so many words.

说白了就是会放钱就行了。It means will put money on the line.

我没`什么特别要说白勺。I have nothing particular to talk about.

说白话。倔强是一个修饰词。Talk of words. A stubborn one repairs an excuse.

但同事说白泥效果也很好的。But colleagues said Nai effect is also very good.

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说白了,就是提前培养感情呗。Say white, be foster sensibilities Bai in advance.

你曾经说过你不想说白勺话吗?。Have you ever said anything you didn't want to say?

说白了,它们就是帮读者出恶气的。They simply strengthen readers' sense of grievance.

说白了,这样做就是向消费者隐瞒这笔开支。What this does is hides the cost from the consumer.

管理说白了就是如何去管人。Force management in the final analysis is a man's job.

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其实说白了,就是一些面包,加些小菜。In fact, Tapas is just some bread with some antipastos.

我努力记住莎士比亚的大段说白。I tried hard to remember the long passage of Shakespeare.

说白了就是旧社会的鸨母,新时代的MB经理人。White said the old society is a bawd , a new era of MB manager.

其实说白了就是瞎扯,我可没什么古典气质。Let's just tell the world that this is BS, and I'm not an old soul.

说白了,这场斗争是自由党未来的发展方向之争。More broadly, the fight was over the Liberal Party's future direction.

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认为说白谎无所谓的人很快就会变成色盲。Those that think it permissible to tell white lies soon grow color blind.

说白了,就他哪点能耐,我还没看上眼咯。To put it plainly, what point of his capability, I have not spotted eyes slightly.

说白了,仅仅指有这个理论速度而已。That means theoretical speed, no average speed and you can this speed is " can max".