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失火是由于电器打火引起的。The fire stemed from light stricken by the electrical appliance.

配有打火灶,排油烟机,热水器,双人床,大衣柜!Equipped with ignition stove, range hood, water heater, double bed, large wardrobe!

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史丹利说,他们一家人最感恩的就是这些劳苦功高的打火英雄。Brian says the people he and his family have to thank the most are the heroic firefighters.

为了防止环行器打火受损,建立了快速联锁保护电路,该电路在历次打火中成功地保护了环行器。A fast interlock circuit has been inserted into the RF system in order to protect the circulator.

用作打火时,请不要连续超过十分钟,以免因过热而损坏本产品。When arcing, please do not surpass ten minutes continuously, to avoid damaging this product from overheated.

在很安全的电压下,不出现打火或电荷堆积就可以实现高计数率下的高增益。Such detectors work at save voltage and have high ability and high gain without sparking or charge accumulation.

注意打火时勿将手或人体裸露的部分去触摸两放电针,避免有电打的感觉。We shall pay attention that not use bare hands or body parts to touch the two-discharge needles to avoid shock feeling.

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这些异教徒辛勤的劳动,他们伐木盖起了自己的房子,还学会了在森林中打火鸡。The pilgrims worded hard, they cut down trees, they built houses. They learned to hunt the turkeys that lived in the woods.

但是罗尼的双腿还在燃烧,于是史蒂夫将他放在地上,迅速脱掉自己的衣服,用它来打火。But Ronnie’s legs were still burning, so Steve laid him on the ground, ripped off his own shirt, and beat the flames with it.

这一招果然灵。谢过这位厚道的好人之后,叔叔一打火,车立即就动了。This seemed to do the trick, and after thanking this good Samaritan , my uncle turned the ignition and the car started right away.

关于安装三元催化体系的发动机来说,打火能量缺乏、低动力的疑问会致使严峻后果。On the installation of three yuan catalytic system for engine ignition, lack of energy, will cause serious consequences of low power question.

采用绞状缠绕式的热电偶计工作在打火功率以下时,测量了不同反应压强下的微波等离子体空间温度。Under striking power, the temperature of microwave plasmas interspace with different reaction pressure was measured by the intertwined thermocouple.

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每层楼设有两个洗脸盆,两个打火炉,四个打火环中只有两个能用,另外两个早成为身手敏捷的蟑螂的窝。Each floor has two wash basins and two stoves with just two working rings out of four. Swift cockroaches have moved into the ovens which do not work at all.

主要针对山西铝厂自备热电厂六台发电机组的励磁机碳刷打火现象进行了分析、控制与处理。It is analyzed that phenomena for the carbon brush of the direct current exciter to strike a light about six generator sets in the Power Plant of Shanxi Aluminium Plant.

2008年野火季节底,南加州美国总会慈济志工为感谢这群打火弟兄的努力、举办爱洒活动。At the end of wildfire season in 2008, Tzu Chi volunteers from the United States Headquarters hold an event to thank the people who battled the blazes in Southern California.

停车时勿锁车,将钥匙留在打火处,并且顺着出去的车行道放置,车窗要关好,所有值钱的东西都应该已经打好包放在车里了。Park your car, unlocked, with the keys in the ignition and positioned forward out of the driveway. Keep car windows closed and have your valuables already packed in your car.

定期检查、紧固交流接触器及加热器的连接线,防止连接处松动导致接线处发热、打火等现象。Check, fasten and exchange the connecting wire of contactor and heater regularly, it causes wiring to generate heat, strike sparks etc. to prevent the junction from becoming flexible.

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以及由于微波能量较集中在单口馈源附近,容易引起箱内打火,使微波大功率加热应用受到限制的问题。In contrast to microwave heater of single-open feed, the heat transfer of multi-open feed system processes equations. Moreover, it avoids firing in the cavity near the single-open feed.