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纸张背面的宇宙韵文在宇宙大学很受欢迎。Universe University.

巡行在空旷的宇宙。Traveling in empty space.

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那是一个封闭的宇宙。That is a sealed universe.

这内在宇宙的专家。Expert in home-cosmography.

宇宙是平衡的。I. The universe is balanced.

现在我们把它们都称为宇宙。Now, we call them universes.

宇宙的微不足道打击了我们。Cosmic two-by-fours whack us.

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或者宇宙又是无限的大。Or it might be infinitely big.

宇宙有限论是甚麽?What is cosmological finitism?

让我在宇宙的完满里。In the allness of the universe.

他的肉体就是宇宙本身。His body is the universe itself.

的确,宇宙的主宰嘛。Masters of the universe, indeed.

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引力定律适用于宇宙万物。The law of gravity is universal.

然后他展开一幅宇宙地图。Then he unfolded a universal map.

我试着寻找我的宇宙的意义所在。I try to make sense of my universe.

这就是在宇宙尺度范围内的“撞了就跑”。IT'S hit-and-run on a cosmic scale.

王铭1973年完成的作品“宇宙蝴蝶”Wang Ming's Cosmic Butterfly, 1973.

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你是这个宇宙世界的主宰者。You are the master of the Universe.

宇宇宙中有与黑洞匹敌的物体吗?。Do Black Holes Have Rivals in Space?

宇宙像怀表吗?So the universe like a pocket watch?