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我就喜欢你们这股扎扎实实埋头苦干的劲儿。I like your down-to-earth and hardworking spirit.

在这样一条条抛物线后面,是一系列扎扎实实的保障工作。In such a rear of the parabola , is a series of solid security work.

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我们多想静下心来扎扎实实的教书,尽其毕生精力育桃李。We want to stop the solid teaching, as its lifetime education students.

现在的我们必须收回浮躁的心态,扎扎实实的将足球从娃娃抓起。Now we must recover the flippancy, solid football to start with children.

“扎扎实实地搞管理”是企业的基本原则之一。Down-to-earth and engage in the management is one of the basic principles of enterprise.

我们要继续扎扎实实加强防灾减灾工作。We will continue to make earnest effort to strengthen disaster prevention and mitigation.

我认为,目前的门户旅游频道中,扎扎实实自己作内容的,就是搜狐了。I believe that the current portal travel channel, a solid content of its own, is the Sohu.

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国际社会也应扎扎实实地帮助阿开展重建工作。The international community should take concrete steps to help with Afghanistan's reconstruction.

香烟很高级,烟草包装得很好,扎扎实实的,烟纸光滑,很少见到。They were very good cigarettes, very thick and well-packed, with an unfamiliar silkiness in the paper.

我们要继续扎扎实实推进灾后恢复重建工作。We will continue to make earnest effort to push forward post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction.

由中学俄语扎扎实实地向大学俄语过渡,是大学俄语教学的重要组成部分。The transition from middle school Russian class to college one is a main part in teaching college Russian.

品牌、无形资产、公众形象全是空的,而唯有产品是扎扎实实的“有”。Brand, intangible assets, the public image of it is empty, and is the only product of the down-to-earth "."

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有谁能比一个扎扎实实的,自己在生病时靠救济金度日的年轻妈妈更好地反对这些政策呢?Who better to oppose that than a down-to-earth young mum who has herself spent time on the dole when she got ill?

用扎扎实实的工作,用百倍努力和实实在在效果,赢得广大群众的信任、拥护和支持。With down-to-earth, with 100 times more effort and real results, to win the trust of the masses, uphold and support.

我们扎扎实实做产品,实实在在做价格,始终坚持客户至上、以人为本的经营理念。We always do products honestly, list price frankly, adhere to people-oriented, customer oriented business philosophy.

难能可贵的是,虽然餐厅创意足够噱头,但菜品却是扎扎实实地好。What is praiseworthy is, although the creativity of the restaurant is tricky enough, the dishes are solidly well-served.

理想不只是对未来的憧憬,还需要扎扎实实的行动,像登山一样一步一步前进。Ideal not only to the dreams of the future, but also need a solid action, like climbing a mountain, step by step forward.

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扎扎实实抓他几年,中华民族教育事业空前繁荣的新局面,一定会到来。If we do solid work for a few years, we shall surely create a new situation in which education flourishes as never before.

二是要加强领导,明确责任,扎扎实实开展安全生产大检查。The second is to strengthen leadership, clear lines of responsibility and a down-to general inspection on safe production.

各级政府都要切实加强对改革的领导,扎扎实实地做好工作,不断把改革推向前进。The government at all levels should strengthen their leadership in these reforms and do a solid job of propelling the reform forward.