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你在说什么成家立业?What'd you mean by family?

他已经在日本成家立业了。he has like, a family there.

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我们都在长大,不久我们就会成家立业,离开这个家的。We were growing up and soon we`d be adults and out of the house.

今年56岁,现在孩子们都们各自成家立业了。I am 56 years old this year. My children have families of their own.

成为那样的男人需要经历的关键的一步是成家立业。And a key step to becoming that man is to find a wife and raise a family.

在码头闪婚到快乐北京小学生性教材声块岩石做成家立业小巧火箭,奥比岛感到震惊。At the dock I'm shocked to see the pocket rocket made of a block of rock.

经过多年的努力,他终于在这个城市成家立业了。After years of effort, he finally bought a house and settled in this city.

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或许他现在已经成家立业,但他依然会保持独特的时尚态度,依然属于‘潮人’一族。Well, maybe he's married now. But he's still got that bit of attitude, right?

舞池里大家踏了一曲又一曲,现场的气氛给我们忘了我们已是成家立业的人。Across all stepped a song and a song, the atmosphere was give us forget our cases already is.

1691年离开爱尔兰,自世纪末开始,约翰便在法国定居并在此成家立业。Born in 1669, by the end of the century Lynch had settled in France, having left Ireland in 1691.

就在父亲去世后,我搬到了2500英里以外的加利福尼亚,成家立业。Right after his death, I moved 2500 miles away to California and started my own family and career.

成家立业这日很幸运能和周星驰们傻春起参加毕业典礼,斯坦福大学是世界上最好周公解梦大学之傻春。I am honored to be with you today and your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world.

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50年前,男孩子从大学毕业,可以不出几个月就成家立业。Fifty years ago, a man could graduate from college, get a job and get married all within a couple of months.

成家立业后的我,在家中依然如此,除了交给母亲几十块钱,其它什么都不管。After I married at home remains the same, apart from a few dozen yuan to the mother, the other regardless of anything.

李想大学毕业只身来闯大都市,他梦想成为公司高管,挣钱,找个靓女成家立业。Li xiang alone university to rush city, his dream of being a company executives, earn money, find a pretty girl gets married.

通过统计检验发现,在文明以及成家立业、知识、才华以及忠孝这上都有显著性的差异。There are significant differences in civilization, knowledge, talent, "loyalty and filial piety" through statistical analysis.

克利格出生于塔图因。在他的家族中,有好几代人都在这恶劣的塔图因沙漠里成家立业。Cliegg was born on Tatooine into a family that had spent generations trying to carve out a living in the harsh Tatooine deserts.

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他说他不能继续爱你了,因为他要尽快成家立业,照顾父母。He said he can not continue to love you, because he wants to marry and settle down as soon as possible, take care of their parents.

走完了青年的过程,你也会成家立业,走新访友,做父亲或者母亲,有自己的儿女……这时,你才会深悟自己肩负责任的重大。Not being youth any more, you will also have your own family, being a father or mother with your children, visiting your relatives.

齐家指的便是成家立业,成家不能没有自己的一套房子。Regulating the family refers to getting married and starting one's career. However, getting married cannot come true without a house.