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我们很难对大多数宗教节日追根朔源。It can be hard to keep track of the many religious holidays.

没有追根揭底必要,也知你我只有这样短暂的缘分,注定是这样的交叉而过。No it propose necessary, you me the only way short of fate, destined to be the cross.

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他求知若渴的停止学习,好追根寻底,有积极探求的进取肉体。He was thirsty for knowledge of the learning, good Tracing Xundi have actively explored the spirit of progress.

追根究柢,问题其实和华尔街无关,而是如何降低某些惨况发生的风险。In the end, this really isn't about Wall Street. It's about reducing the risk that something really bad happens.

对这一系列问题的回答必然要追根到马克思主义哲学思考相关哲学问题的出发点上。In order to answer these questions, we have to run down the starting point of Marxist philosophy about philosophical issues.

追根朔源,症结何在?从营销战略的角度考虑,关键在于市场定位的失误。What is the problem in market-orientation. It lies in the error fo market orientation from the angle of the marketing strategy.

追根究柢,银行和金融体系就是要支持经济和生活在其中的人们,反过来要人们支撑银行及金融体系,岂非倒行逆施?In the end the banking and financial system is there to support the economy and the people who live in it, not the other way around.

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无论如何,针对即使您不打算做的事情,现阶段我们也鼓励你去追根究源并准备各种备选方案。Now, however, you're encouraged to ask questions about both their source and various options, even if you've no intention of doing a thing.

本文在大量史料及优美传说的基础上,对“长恩”进行追根求源,寻找其对后世人的广泛影响。Based on abundant historical materials and elegant legends, sources are seeked for "Chang' en", and his extensive impact on the future generations.

文章阐述了随着新经济时代的到来,企业管理将发生一次全新的变革,追根朔源,实施ERP是企业管理的必由之路。Along with the new economic age coming, a great change will take place in our enterprise management. Tracing to its source, to put ERP into effect is the only way of enterprise management.

瞭解薄膜制作技术与量测技术、学习薄膜技术之相关知识、需有追根就底之学习态度。Understanding of thin-film production techniques and measurement techniques, thin-film technology to learn relevant knowledge, the need for Tracing on the end of the attitude toward learning.