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成功有如死亡。Success is like death.

有如圣者的容颜.The features of a saint.

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物价飞涨,有如脱缰之马。Prices were running wild.

他的迷思有如下四个。These myths numbered four.

这毛皮有如天鹅绒般软滑。The fur was as soft as velvet.

世间也真有如狐般的女子吗?The world is really foxy woman?

这有如飞蛾向往星天。The desire of the moth for star.

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她的心有如刀绞一般被刺痛。Her heart stabbed as with a knife.

热烈的掌声,有如春雷迸发。Applause broke out like spring thunder.

但是,没有一张有如这一张这么暴露。But none has been so revealing as this.

把我当作你的竖琴吧,有如树林Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is

面对死亡,要有如空山圆月的明净。Facing death, be pure like the full moon.

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他心灵的秋天有如小湾安谧His soul has in its Autumn,when his wings

有如巨人冒出了海水的泡浸。Arise like Titan from the sea's immersion.

色泽深紫,有如一朵可人的牡丹花。Lovely, deep purple robe with peony nuances.

要赢得“花岗岩州”有如过刀山下火海。Wooing the Granite State is fiendishly hard.

片刻的假寐后,你会感到有如新生一般。After a short nap, you'll feel like a new man.

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有如车轮跟随拉车之牛的足蹄。As the wagon wheel follows the hoof of the ox.

现在资本主义的国家有如惊弓之鸟。Now capitalism is in a funk in its heartlands.

当我仍然个孩子时,我又哭又笑-时间有如爬行!When as a child I laughed and wept-Time crept!