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我讨厌我的破烂英语。I hate my poor English.

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垃圾、废物。原意是“破烂货”。His writing is all junk.

我不能忍受我的破烂英语!I can’t stand my poor English!

我不能忍受我的破烂的聋哑英语!I can't stand my poor deaf-mute English.

事实上那更像是一个破烂的梳子。In practice it's more like a ragged comb.

看起来你找到你的破烂紧身衣了。Looks like you've found your rappy tight.

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他那破烂上衣的领子向上翻着。The collar of his ragged coat was turned up.

他穿着那套破烂烂的工作服好像更自在些。He seems more at home in his shabby overalls.

跌倒的是一个女人,花白头发,衣服都很破烂。It was a grey-haired woman in ragged clothes.

一条破烂的石墙穿过树林。A stone wall trails raggedly through the woods.

这把椅子虽然连收破烂的也可能认为不值钱。That chair may be worthless even to a junk dealer.

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你著名的蓝雨衣破烂地搭在肩上Your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder

你什么时候能不再把这砦破烂往家拿?When are you going to stop bringing home this junk?

最后是一位57岁的收破烂的出手相救。A 57-year-old rag collector finally went to her aid.

被他翻的破烂的书表明他学习很刻苦。His dogeared book is indicative of his diligent study.

她破烂束腰内衣上的卷边沾满了血。The ragged hem of her under-tunic was stained with it.

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尽管塞弗卡很美,却是意大利破烂的边缘。Beautiful though it may be, this is Italy's ragged edge.

寻找财团军需官,卖破烂物并且修理。Find the Consortium Quartermaster, sell junk and repair.

这时他朝这个阴暗、破烂的旅馆门厅四周看了看。Then he looked about upon a dingy, moth-eaten hotel lobby.