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让孩子在游戏中快速学习拼音,享受学拼音的乐趣,并快速达到标准音的效果。Let them quickly learn Pinyin in the game, and enjoy the learning process, furthermore learning the standard Pinyin pronunciation.

经过很多次培训后,在被要求区分1000赫兹标准音与某较低音之间的差别时他们毫无进步。Over and over again, they were asked to tell the difference between the 1,000 Hertz tone and a lower tone but showed no improvement.

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研究人员先测定了参与者可分辨的与100赫兹标准音在音高方面差别最小的音高。The researchers initially determined the smallest difference in pitch that participants could discriminate from a 1,000 Hertz standard tone.

普通话以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范。This dissertation is concerned with the aspectual system in Chinese, especially that in Modern Standard Chinese and its basic dialect, Beijing Dialect.

调查整理苏尼特口语语言材料对推广标准音、规范现代蒙古语均有一定的价值。To investigate and sort out the language materials of spoken Sunit is of considerable value to the popularization and standardization of modern Mongolian.

第四组参与者有40分钟重复收听1000赫兹标准音,同时进行一项毫不相关的活动,结果毫无长进。A fourth group of participants repeatedly exposed to a 1,000 Hertz tone for 40 minutes per day while performing an unrelated task showed no learning gains.

苏尼特口语与正蓝旗为代表的察哈尔标准音有许多相似点。The pronunciation of spoken Sunit is similar in many ways to the standard pronunciation of Chahar dialect with Zhenglan Banner's dialect as its representative.

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这套拼音壮文以拉丁字母为字母,以壮族北部方言为基础方言,以武鸣县的壮语语音为标准音。The Zhuang language alphabet with the Latin alphabet as the letters to the basis of northern dialect Zhuang dialect, in order to Wuming County Biaozhun Yin Zhuang voice.

普通话以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范。Voice as the standard pronunciation of Putonghua in Beijing, the northern dialect as the basis of dialect, to work as a model of the modern vernacular syntax specification.

如果要说不太好分辨,那是因为普通话是以北京语音为标准音,北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的普通话。If it is not a good resolution, it is because Beijing is a voice for the Mandarin northern dialect words based to a model of modern Chinese grammar book for Putonghua norms.

它以北京语音为标准音,以北方方言为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范。Beijing phonetics are regarded as the standard pronunciation and basic dialect is the dialect of the northern part of country. The standard modern Chinese written works be come grammar examples.