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他的前额流血了。His forehead bleeds.

眉头一皱使他的前额出现很多皱纹。A frown creased his forehead.

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她在他的前额上吻了吻。She kissed him on the forehead.

这姑娘的前额留着刘海。The girl wears her hairs banged.

他碰得前额隆起一个大包。He got a bad bump on his forehead.

他的前额呈半球形凸起。His forehead domed out in a curve.

护士擦拭了他发烫的前额。The nurse mopped his fevered brow.

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蜘蛛网轻拂我的前额。The spider web brushed my forehead.

她的前额由于发烧而发烫。Her forehead was flushed with fever.

他的前额因焦虑而皱起。His forehead was ridged with anxiety.

你的前额并凝视你的双眼。Thine Eyes, and on thy Forehead Gaze.

她的头发蓬松地垂在前额上。Her hair hung limply over her forehead.

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他的前额因害了水痘而留下许多麻点。His forehead was pitted by chicken pox.

圣提尼先生把手放在我的前额摸了一下。Mr Santini put his hand on my forehead.

汗,从仓里满的前额滴落下来。Sweat runs down Cang Li Man's forehead.

那次事故在他的前额留下一刀疤。The accident left a scar on his forehead.

几滴汗珠弄湿了他的前额。The odd bead of sweat was dewing his brow.

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埃利奥特前额叶上有肿瘤。And Elliot had a tumor in his frontal lobe.

她还把湿布放在男孩滚烫的前额上。She also put wet cloth on his hot forehead.

她在他的前额上吻了吻。“不,谢谢。”She kissed him on the forehead. "No thanks."