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民间即以次象征吉祥和喜庆来歌颂幸福的生活。The folks take the phoenix as the symbol of auspiciousness and happiness.

工程期预期30个工作日,根据施工所具备的条件以次类推。First, the project period is expected to 30 days, the condition of construction etc.

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演唱会就要开始了,观众们拿着票在等待以次入场。The concert is going to begin, the audience are waiting to enter with their tickets.

以次黄嘌呤为考察指标,建立了水蛭注射液的HPLC指纹图谱。HPLC fingerprint of hirudo injection was established, using hypoxanthine as the target.

如果第一作者没能或是将不会给你发送复件,那就给第二作者发类似邮件,以次类推。If the first author can't or won't send you a copy, email the second author, and so on.

金与砷黄铁矿、黄铁矿及毒砂紧密相关,以次显微金的形式存在。Gold is submicroscopic and associated with arsenic pyrite, pyrite and arsenopyrite tightly.

由此推举的十二个“修正比”以次微量的精神元素从多个侧面容纳和展现我们的活力。Twelve art types introduced here contain and display our energy from many aspects in a way of spiritual elements.

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日本军队诬陷是中国军队所为,以次为借口发动了对东北地区的侵略。Japan's military accused Chinese army of the act, thus providing an excuse for the Japanese annexation of Manchuria.

例如,可见等级生物独角兽的独角之触属于遭遇威能,以次微行动来使用。For example, the back side of the visible Unicorn has Horn Touch, an encounter power that is used with a minor action.

他没有以次谋取暴利,而是凭借其惊人的创造力和才华,特别是凭借中国的第一人的地位他赢得了这当之无愧的荣誉。He earns it because of his shiny novelty and flair, and, perhaps especially, because he is an avatar of the Chinese ascendance.

其他塑性铰截面以次弯矩调幅为主,结构往往不能实现完全内力重分布。The secondary moment modulation also dominates the modulation of other plastic hinges and a full redistribution cannot be realized.

以次磷酸盐为还原剂的化学镀镍因具有优良的耐蚀性、耐磨性和镀层厚度均匀性而得到广泛应用。The electroless nickel planting had application very widely for its corrosion -resistant and fretting-resistant and homogeneous nickel-plate.

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如果一家店铺上保险后接到可疑的权利要求,店家将对该要求进行调查,以次手段保证自身不受到虚假的权力要求。If it insures a shop and then receives a suspicious claim, it will investigate the claim as a means of protecting itself against false claims.

第一、工程期预期30个工作日,根据施工所具备的条件以次类推。First, the duration of construction is expected to be 30 working days, which is managed according to the provided conditions of the construction.

只有在我们意识到我们每个人对这个世界的感知各有不同,并以次原则知道我们每一次与他人交流的时候,我们才能真正做到有效沟通。To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.

布什夫妇将会为保卫列宁格勒的纪念碑献花篮,以次纪念那些二战中在纳粹包围下死守900天的人。Bush will place a basket of flowers at a monument to the defenders of Leningrad , commemorating those who withstood the city's 900-day siege by Nazis during the Second World War.

他的诗文最晚于唐末就传入了朝鲜,被以次韵、拟作、集句、引用、化用等方式接受,其文学理论也同时得到应和。His writings were imported to Korea during the late Tang, being accepted in many ways and styles. At the same time, his literary theory was acknowledged in Korean literary world.

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因为在增加应纳税额和课以处罚之后,税收官员就可以依据民事程序扣押财产以支付增加的税款,以次收缴违法者所获得的利润。Because after the assessment of taxes and large penalties, tax collection officers can civilly seize assets to pay the additional taxes, thus depriving an individual of untaxed profits.

在运转良好的内燃机里,受限于热在物质中的扩散速率,火焰只能以次音速传播,此过程称为爆燃。In a properly working internal-combustion engine, the flame propagates at a subsonic speed limited by the rate at which heat diffuses through the material—a process called deflagration.

人生的完整性在于知道如何面对缺陷,如何勇敢地摒弃不现实的幻想而又不以次为缺憾。There is a wholeness almost the human who has come to terms with his constraints, who has been heroic enough to let go of his unrealistic dreams and not feel like a failure for doing so.