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两年后的今天,苹果故伎重演,只是这次是针对台式电脑。Now, two years later, Apple is ready to do it again, this time for the desktop.

一天,萨宾娜在咖啡馆故伎重演时,被一个中年男人制止。A day, sa Binna repeats in cafe old tactics when, be checked by a middleaged man.

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现在,该公司又想在中东的茶叶市场上故伎重演。The company is now trying to pull off a similar trick with tea in the Middle East.

局势严峻,面临的问题紧迫,两党故伎重演,相互嘲弄,只能是浪费时间,代价太高。The times are too serious, the stakes are too high for this same partisan playbook.

就在这时,卷的工作组,并认为他们拥抱,并承担了她的爱是故伎重演。Just then, WG rolls up and sees them hugging, and assumes Ai is up to her old tricks.

上一季大结局的梦里恩爱戏差点闹得粉丝们发飙,估计不敢再故伎重演吧?After fans rebelled over last season’s dream-sex finale, I doubt they’d play us again.

但是他们至少知道犯下这些令人发指罪行的人不会再兴风作浪、故伎重演。But at least they know the man who was responsible for these appalling acts is no more.

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在回程的火车上,三个律师想学工程师故伎重演只买了一张票。On the return trip, the lawyers proposed to emulate the gearheads and bought only one ticket.

苏对吧台招待喊道,“噢,是一杯利波弗罗米尔奇。”然后第二天又故伎重演。Sue called to the barmaid, "Oh, it was a glass of Liebfraumilch, " and lived to work another day.

此后他故伎重演,放弃自己学位转投独立音乐发行商Chrysalis。It’s a pattern repeated when he quit his degree to work for independent music publisher Chrysalis.

我希望服务器恢复正常之后,黑客不会故伎重演,无论是为了寻开心还是出于个人利益。I hope when they go back up the hackers wont start doing this again, just for fun or personal gain.

就在肖扬的处境一天天好起来的时候,大宽的故伎重演又一次改变了肖扬的生活。Xiao Yang on the situation in a better every day when the big wide old tricks once again changed the lives of Xiao Yang.

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若然如此,料想朝鲜很快就会故伎重演,让邻国互斗,从中谋取援助和让步。If so, expect North Korea soon to start its old game of playing one neighbour off against another in search of aid and concessions.

周二,大公故伎重演,将美国本、外币信用评级下调至A,展望为负面。On Tuesday Dagong repeated the trick, downgrading the local and foreign currency credit rating for the U.S. to A with a negative outlook.

十年后,我们试着故伎重演,选定另外八名年轻的新星,他们中的一些人独辟新径,开创了新的研究领域。Ten years later we tried to repeat the trick, identifying another eight young stars, many of whom were taking their discipline far off- piste.

第二天,放羊娃故伎重演,善良的农夫们又冲上来帮他打狼,可还是没有见到狼的影子。The very next day, the boy repeat the stock tricks, good farmer who also rushed to help him fight the wolf, but did not see the shadow of the wolf.

第二天晚上,唐朝军队故伎重演,令狐潮认为又是敌人的诡计,命其部下不予理会。The next night the Tang again lowered the dummies but General Linghu ordered his men to ignore them believing it was the same trick to get more arrows.

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之后当她们试图在该超市另一个支店故伎重演时被拍到,与早先的偷盗镜头连接起来并被逮捕。When they later tried to repeat the stunt at another branch of the supermarket, they were caught, arrested and linked by the footage to the earlier crime.

丢掉了利润诱惑这个蛊惑人们跟随他们愚蠢的领导的指挥棒,他们故伎重演,花言巧语,眼泪汪汪地恳求人们再相信他们一次。Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence.

现在,他又故伎重演,这一次是在救灾问题上,他坚持联邦政府对飓风艾琳受害者的任何救助都必须通过在其它方面的削减加以抵消,从而成为新闻标题。Now he’s doing it again, this time over disaster relief, making headlines by insisting that any federal aid to the victims of Hurricane Irene be offset by cuts in other spending.