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形容一个人是鼠辈。You are a rat.

我真找不出更好的词来形容了。I've never said it better.

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难以形容的痛。The pain was indescribable.

让我给你形容一下他。Let me describe him for you.

对不起,这形容有点恶心。That's kind of gross. Sorry.

形容情人的娥眉。Made to his mistress' eyebrow.

他无法形容神是什么。What He is cannot be described.

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“感觉就像地狱。”小王形容说。"It felt like hell," Wang says.

她形容这个人芮妮。She described this man to Renee.

非语言所能形容。More than words can describe.

这是非笔舌所可形容的残酷。This is cruelty beyond expression.

我们拾起一个词形容天气。We locate an adjective for weather.

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他待我的好意,我真无法形容。I cannot do justice to his kindness.

那将是一种难以形容的感觉。It will be an indescribable feeling.

就连她也形容自己像一只猫。She even described herself as a cat.

你知道,我已经词穷形容你了。Just don't forget we always love you.

苹果只能用方便又多样来形容。Two words -- convenience and variety.

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我内心的惭愧难以形容。Words cannot describe how sorry I am.

我无法形容我有多么爱你。I can not tell you how much I loe you.

形容芭芭拉艺术生命如常青树那样。So we can say, Barbra is an evergreen.