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F10股本资料智能更新。F10 equity intelligent update the information.

一个最好的是股本贷款扣税。One of the best is the equity loan tax deduction.

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私募股本公司是资本主义的新主子。Private-equity firms are the new kings of capitalism.

这些分配使有限责任合伙人投资新的私人股本基金。These distributions allow the LPs to invest in new private-equity funds.

公司盈利势头正盛,因此就算需要资金,公司也能很轻易地吸引私人股本的加入。It's profitable, and easily could raise private equity if the need arose.

在中期,对于私人股本的召集已经是特权的、资格要求严的活动。In the mid-aughts, the gilded, clubby preserve of private equity beckoned.

有这么多股本涉入其中,也难怪市场哀鸿遍野。With such high stakes involved, it is no wonder that markets are on their toes.

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我总是确保公司有稳定的现金流,充沛的储备金和良好的股本负债比。I have adhered to a steady cash flow, high reserve and a healthy debt to equity ratio.

如果基民真的要结帐,不知道基金经理们还能拿出多少股本来?Imagine funds investors want to cash flows, how many of managers' costs can be paid for?

但考虑到他拥有这家公司的绝大部分,那么他至少会想要获得较高的股本回报率。But at least he will want to make a good return on equity, given that he owns most of it.

其资金大部分借自国际资本市场,小部分为股东实缴股本。The funds are major borrowed from capital market and the small part is from its own reserve.

初始法定股本分为实缴股本和待缴股本。The original authorized capital stock shall be divided into paid-in shares and callable shares.

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这样做的部分原因是他们认为,在经济繁荣期,这是一种低风险的增加股本回报的方法。That is partly because in a boom they think it is a low-risk way to increase the return on equity.

此项先期的预付行为从普通股本中抽取了很大一部分,但是使它先行处理损失。This upfront hit took a big chunk out of its equity, but put it ahead of peers in dealing with losses.

我们在为非洲股本投资设计一个“百分之一解决方案”,作为迈向这个目标的一步。We are devising a “One Percent Solution” for Equity Investment in Africa to be a step towards the goal.

我们可以帮助其他投资者克服在非洲投资新的股本机会的初始障碍。We can help other investors over the initial hurdles of investing in new equity opportunities in Africa.

但是,你必须使用一个家股本贷款,以改善你的家,以符合申请扣税?But do you have to use a home equity loan to improve your home in order to qualify for the tax deduction?

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在美国,它有时也可能宣布股本贷款利息的扣税。In the United States, it is also sometimes possible to declare the equity loan interest as tax deductible.

非居民公司股东抛售控股公司的股本时,在控股公司所在国是否要缴税。Is any tax payable in HoldCo country on disposal of HoldCo shares by a non-resident corporate shareholder?

允许中国商业银行对符合条件的中方股东发放股本贷款。Chinese commercial banks may issue equity loans to Chinese shareholders meeting clearly-defined conditions.