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她给男孩盖好被子使其入睡。She tucked the boy in bed.

母亲哄孩子入睡。Mother lulled the child to sleep.

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晚上因为太冷而难以入睡。At night, it was too cold to sleep.

在第三天正午前入睡。Sleep before the third noon sounds.

不虚度今日,便能安心入睡。A well-spent day brings happy sleep.

扶我坐起来,费塞——我没法入睡。Help me sit up, Facer—I can't sleep.

当天晚上,里布瑞奇无法入睡。Liebreich couldn't sleep that night.

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她低哼摇篮曲使她的婴儿入睡。The mother crooned her baby to sleep.

别叫喊,病人已经入睡了。Don't cry,the sick have fallen asleep.

我铺好床,像婴儿一样安然入睡。I made my bed, and I sleep like a baby

我听到这催人入睡的音乐,便不知不觉打起盹儿来了。I dozed off during the soporific music.

拂晓时,充溢着我的心令我无法入睡。At dawn, I overflow with thoughts of us.

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今夜,我无法入睡,因为我渴望它。I can’t sleep tonight because I want it.

我牙疼得无法入睡。I couldn't sleep well with my toothache.

我刚要入睡,电话铃响了。I gone to sleep when the telephone rang.

他会不会在准属于自己的大床上入睡呢?Will he get to sleep in his own big bed?

所以我怀着忐忑不安的心情入睡。So I harbored an uneasy feeling to sleep.

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婴儿在摇篮里被摇得入睡了。The baby was rocked asleep in the cradle.

亲爱的,某天晚上,当我沉沉入睡。The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping.

但是,他们惊怕得都入睡不了。But they were too terrified to fall asleep.