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他太武断了!He is too dogmatic!

从而显得过于武断。They're overdetermined.

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那挺武断的。Well, that is arbitrary.

这是个武断的决定。This is an arbitrary decision.

这个清单时不能武断炮制的。The lists just can't be arbitrary.

这是不公平的,也是武断的。This is unfair, and its arbitrary.

仍是这只是武断的拟人论?Or is this just rampant anthropomorphism?

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对人民之所需不能武断。You can't dogmatize about people's needs.

这一判断是感性和武断的。This judgment was irrational and dogmatical.

要武断地决定,不要事在人为。Decisions are too important to leave to chance.

这么说或许太武断,因为这只是我所感兴趣的话题。But maybe projecting, cuz it's what interests me.

果真如此?还是这只是武断的拟人论?Really? Or is this just rampant anthropomorphism ?

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耶金的分析有条有理,绝不强硬武断。Yergin is careful in his analysis and never polemical.

最低限价或武断、虚构的价格。The lowest fixed price, or arbitrary or fictive prices.

仅凭20场比赛来点评火箭似乎有点武断。So now, after Rockets 96, Nets 89, it has been 20 games.

全体成员因为会武断专横而罢免了他的职务。The membership ejected the chairman for his peremptoriness.

不要太武断,否则会疏远朋友。Avoid being overly opinionated or you will alienate friends.

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太武断了…才进行到赛季中途四分之三阶段…You don 't switch to a three-four halfway through the season.

远离观点负面、吹求疵、武断挑剔、搬弄是非的人。Stay away from negative, critical , judgmental, gossipy people.

你是个完全武断的人,因此非常神奇。You are a sheer dogmatist, and that's what makes it so marvellous.