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部分卧室已用帷幔隔开。Part of the bedroom has been curtained off.

带着一点伤感,心情由此拉下了帷幔!With a little sad, this mood to pull down the curtain!

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庭院四周所有的帷幔,都是用捻的细麻编成的。All the hangings enclosing the court were of fine twined linen.

我把帷幔剪裁后,制作出了类似于手提袋的东西。I cut them up, and concocted something that resembles a tote bag.

帷幔是否能像夺去一个人生命那样使魂器销毁吗?Would the Veil actually destroy a Horcrux the way it kills a person?

圣坛,经坛,道坛等前面的装饰性帷幔,缎屏。A decorative hanging for the front of an altar, a lectern, or a pulpit.

暗红色的帷幔缓缓落下,音乐剧也演完了。The dark red heavy curtain is falling down slowly, the music show is over.

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几种风格的帷幔,如波浪的、直的或根据客户的要求制作。标志可以印在帷幔以及其他位置。Several styles of valance are available, such as waves and straight. Logo can be printed.

几乎每天晚上,他都看见小天狼星震惊的睁圆了眼睛,整个人跌进帷幔里。Almost every night, he was seeing Sirius' eyes widen in shock, his body falling through the veil.

他们都穿着褐色的长袍,双手张开。铁锈色的陈旧帷幔分布图画两边,另外还可以看到许多人在围观。Tattered rust-colored curtains frame the picture on both sides, and quite a few people appear to be watching.

树木层叠出现,像苏醒的大山的帷幔一样,威武庄严,引起对狂风暴雨的回忆。The woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests.

太多的钱花在家具套、窗帘帷幔和像灯与小地毯这类无关紧要的物品上了。It seems to me that too much money has been spent on slipcovers, drapes, and nonessential items such as lamps and rugs.

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她擅长决斗,并且打败了小天狼星,后者因此倒进了死亡之厅古旧的拱门里,永远地消失在了帷幔后面。She is an expert duelist and she managed to defeat sirius sending him falling through the ancient archway in the death chamber.

于是他命令他的部下拿最贵重的帷幔把他包起来,使得蚊子刺不着他。Then he ordered his servants to bring costly coverings and wrap him in them, that the gnats might no longer be able to reach him.

在赋予设计化的帷幔和窗帘的组合下,餐厅呈现出了正式场合的庄严。In entrusts with the design antependium and under window blind's combination, the dining room presented the official situation dignity.

客厅的窗前做了一个形似帷幔的拱门,简洁而又不失庄重感。Before the living room window, made one to take the form of antependium 's arched entrance, succinct and did not lose the grave feeling.

余光瞥见左手一条狭长的走廊,轻纱帷幔后是全开放的厨房,若隐若现的依然是红得发亮的橱柜。Whitney caught his left hand a narrow corridor behind Weiman is after all an open kitchen, a bright red background of the display remains.

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我从帷幔后边扫视整个剧场。真是俗不可耐,尽布置些爱神和丰饶角热闹得像个三等的婚礼蛋糕。I looked out from behind the curtain and surveyed the house. it was a tawdry affair call cupids and cornucopias like third-rate wedding-cake.

并且,在凯尔特人的神话中说,在去“另一世界”的人口处有一幅“薄如蝉翼”的极易撕裂的帷幔。Furthermore, within Celtic mythology it is said that there is a "gossamer-thin" veil at the entrance to the Otherworld that can easily be torn.

他的下人执行了他的命令。不过帷幔里面贴着一只小蚊蚋。它钻进王子的耳朵里,在那里面刺他。The servants carried out his orders, but one single gnat had placed itself inside one of the coverings, crept into the prince 's ear and stung him.