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参赛者追踪雀鸟踪迹。On the trail of a bird.

我们找不到他的踪迹。We have lost all trace of him.

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我处处搜寻她的踪迹。I just looked for her everywhere.

然而,我们能够觉察到它的踪迹。However, we can detect traces of it.

春无踪迹谁知?Who knows the spring without traces?

在中国这更是难觅踪迹。It is almost totally absent in China.

但是他还是很小心地掩盖他的踪迹。But he does take care to cover his tracks.

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找到了可能是幽冥剑的踪迹,哼!He found the clue to the Hades sword. Humph!

没有我姑姑、姑夫的踪迹。There"s been no trace of my aunt and uncle."

她和一些流浪者发现了野兔的踪迹。She and some tramps found the trail of rabbit.

他们未能找到逃跑者的任何踪迹。They failed to find any trace of the runaways.

那个飞行员失去了奇怪飞行物的踪迹。The pilot lost track of the strange flying object.

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这些都是喜马拉雅古海的踪迹。These are all traces of the ancient Himalayan Sea.

密歇根湖还尚未发现亚洲鲤鱼的踪迹。No Asian carp have yet been found in Lake Michigan.

甚至在公司里,这种平面结构的踪迹也存在。Even in companies, traces of this flat structure exists.

高科技弱胶背胶,撕除后不留踪迹。High-tech plastic gum, without any traces after tearing.

但现在,WCS在针对这片公园的航空调查中还没有发现水牛的踪迹。Today, WCS aerial surveys of the park have sighted none.

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当她早晨想一探究竟的时候,发现他们已踪迹不见。When she checked on them in the morning, they were gone.

山羊的踪迹使土灰色的山脊上布满着斑斑点点。The tracks of mountain goats polka-dotted the dust ridge.

如果你失去了敌人的踪迹,转头看看。Whenever you lose adjoin with the enemy, look behind you.