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把我的鳞片分给他们?Give away my scales?

在鳞片上轻轻一按,鳞片就会脱落。Squama will fall off when push it.

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他纤细的鳞片是银白色的。His delicate scales are silvery-white.

叶互生,退化成鳞片状。Leaves alternate, reduced into scales.

有膜皮的,有鳞片的,如洋葱球的茎。Having a tunic, as the bulb of an onion.

幼枝具紧密的铁锈色的鳞片。Young branches with dense ferruginous scales.

这只变色龙被鉴定为新种就是由于它鼻子上那些膨胀的鳞片。In this case it's the bulge of scales on its nose.

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犰狳有角质鳞片的护甲。The armadillo has a protective shell of bony plates.

小鳞茎产生于两鳞片之间的基部。Bulblets arose from the bulb base between two scales.

它的身体表面常腹盖满鳞片,这些鳞片起保护作用。Its body is usually covered with scales to protect it.

这一次我们算是见识到什么叫做锯状鳞片蝰蛇。This one showed us why it was called saw scaled viper.

管内无毛刺、锈斑、鳞片及其它杂物。Tube without burr, rusty spot, scales and other sundry.

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这是其膨胀的眼睛,上面覆着鳞片盖子。It's its bulging eyes, which are covered with scaly lids.

叶肉质,鳞片状,螺旋状排列,淡黄白色。Leaver fleshy, squamose, spirally arranged, yellowish-white.

叶片具两面有鳞的,全缘的鳞片,或浅裂的。Leaf blade with both surfaces scaly, scales entire, or lobed.

叶柄基部鳞片棕色,披针形。Scales attaching to the base of petiole are brown, lanceolate.

覆盖分泌腺的表皮表面光滑,无鳞片和毛状突起。The epicuticle overlying the gland is smooth and lack of scales.

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蜥趾龙有防水的鳞片状皮肤,水性很好。Varactyls have waterproof scaled skin and are powerful swimmers.

他厚重的鳞片像熔岩一般炎热,闪耀着红色和金色的光芒。His thick scales are like lava, searing hot and glowing red-gold.

如果这就是早期羽毛,那它们是如何从扁平的鳞片进化而来呢?If they were early feathers, how had they evolved from flat scales?