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小男孩心慌意乱地四下张望着。The small boy looked round in panic.

我被这条坏消息搅得心慌意乱的。I was really jacked up by the bad news.

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萧雅因她的朋友失踪而心慌意乱。Xiao Ya was upset about her missing friend.

但是,它会使你要会见的人心慌意乱。It may, however, rattle the people you're meeting.

这个消息使全家感到心慌意乱。The family was completely knocked over at the news.

这位研究生助理心慌意乱之中立即离去。The graduate assistant left immediately, distraught.

在每一个平常的日子里,在每一个心慌意乱的瞬间。In every normal day, in every flustered distracted moment.

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我们的盘根问底使得吉姆心慌意乱,语无伦次,拼命找。Our close questioning had Jim floundering about, catching at straws.

只要你的鞋子尖儿从你裙袍下伸出来,我便会心慌意乱。The hem of your gown, when the tip of your shoe peeps from beneath, upsets me.

有些接受面试者总是在面试时心慌意乱。Some interviewees always have butterflies in their stomach in time of an interview.

如果你有一个梦想,正如你想写一部小说,那么你就埋头苦干吧,千万不要心慌意乱,半途而废。If you have a dream, such as writing a novel, keep plugging away and don't be distracted.

有个年轻人现出心慌意乱的样子,威逼女士们,要她们让开。A young man, looking distraught, pounced down on the ladies and begged them to move aside.

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她听到后门被打开了,就飞快地冲到妹妹的房间里。我躲在哪儿好呢?她心慌意乱。Hearing the back door open, she ducked into her sister's room. Where can I hide? She wondered wildly.

输给了维纳斯让小威廉姆斯心慌意乱,但也产生了积极影响。Losing to Venus at this major last year left Serena distraught, but it also had a positive effect on her.

享利勋爵无心的发问叫他当时心慌意乱,而他希望自己能保持镇静。Lord Henry's casual questioning had made him lose his nerves for the moment, and he wanted his nerves still.

或者难道说是现今中国的银行急剧增长的债务和坏账令某些评论家心慌意乱了?Anywonder, then, that today's huge run-up in loans -- and bad loans -- byChina's banks is making some critics nervous?

白玉的光线是特别的,在黄昏的时候,白玉寺视觉冲击让人心慌意乱。Beam of Baiyu is extraordinary. When it's dark, vision impulsion of Baiyu Temple makes people confused and hysterical.

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她心慌意乱地出来,看他愤怒的样子,突然想笑,原来你也会生气也会在意,只想报复。She lose presence of mind to it, his anger, suddenly want to laugh, that you will get angry or cares, just want to revenge.

心慌意乱,但是觉得必须镇静,他控制着他自己,默默地注视着。Confused, but sensible that something might depend on his presence of mind, he commanded himself, and was silently attentive.

他们脑子里不断地转着这些新的念头,伊丽莎白本人也不禁越来越心慌意乱。While these newly-born notions were passing in their heads, the perturbation of Elizabeth's feelings was every moment increasing.