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她慷慨陈词猛烈抨击对纳税人金钱的浪费。She was declaiming against the waste of the taxpayers' money.

一些人在慷慨陈词,称汤姆的死事实上对大家来说是一种解脱和一个很好的教训。Some declaimed that Tom's death was, in fact, a relief and a good lesson for everyone.

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一些人在慷慨陈词,称汤姆的死事实上对大家来说是一种解脱和一个很好的教训。Some declaimed that Tom’s death was, in fact, a relief and a good lesson for everyone.

他还说,“我认为他们不想滔滔不绝慷慨陈词,以免让形势复杂化”。He added, “I don't think they want to riskcomplicating the situation with voluble statements.”

在谈判桌前,他慷慨陈词,不卑不亢地表述了我方观点。In front of the negotiation table, his impassioned speech demonstrated our points in a way neither servile nor overbearing.

在国家的电视演说中,巴基斯坦总统佩维兹·穆沙拉夫对解除六周的国家紧急预案慷慨陈词。In a nationally-televised address, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf lifted the country's six-week-old state of emergency.

我喜欢这个项目,因为它鼓励大家慷慨陈词,就公司的运营和管理模式自由地表达意见,而且也帮助我们不断适应瞬息万变的传媒界。I like it because it encourages everyone to have a say in how MediaCom is run and also helps us evolve in a rapidly changing media landscape.

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尽管他们都慷慨陈词,但是没有那个政客会把自己的权力割让给全球监管者,更别说创造一个真正的国际借款机构以作为最后的屏障了。For all the grand rhetoric, no politician is proposing to cede sovereignty to a global regulator, let alone create a true global lender of last resort.

美国也更为重视其经济利益,已不再像以前那样慷慨陈词地呼唤人权和全球民主化。The United States is also paying greater attention to economic interests, and its calls for human rights and global democratization are no longer as vocal.

其慷慨陈词不亚于朝鲜自己对韩国在“天安号”沉没事件上的态度,但是金正日也没有抱歉的意思。Aggressive language, of the type it aimed at the South after it was fingered for sinking the Cheonan, is out. But Kim Jong Il does not do regret very well either.

陈兄慷慨陈词,对我大谈起维持两岸和平的重要性,也一往情深地谈起了他那些在大陆农村的穷亲戚们。He laid emphasis on the importance of keeping the peace on both sides of the straits and sentimentally talked of his poor kin still in the Mainland's countryside.

这种口头上的慷慨陈词实际上只是骗人的幌子而已,在它背后止是束缚世事、让人因袭守旧的不可动摇的习俗。Such verbal generosities were in fact only a humbugging disguise of the inexorable conventions that tied things together and bound people down to the old pattern.

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大家在台上慷慨陈词,诉说了自己加入俱乐部之后点点滴滴的成长及收获,更对俱乐部美好的明天及下一步的工作方向做了展望。They talked bounteously on the platform , pouring out their growing experiences and fruits after entering the club and also looking ahead with work aims in the next step.