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不要可恶地打小报告,杰克。Don't be a rat fink, Jack.

我跟老师打小报告说多莉偷我的书。I told my teacher on Dolly for stealing my book.

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丹尼总是在我做错事时打小报告。Danny always tattles on me when I do something wrong.

「打小报告」、讲是非、贪婪与权力游戏,在一般办公室都很普遍。Backstabbing, gossiping, greed and power games are common in most workplaces.

办公室里最可恨的就是那些打小报告的人。Those who squeal on colleagues in returnforfavorsare the most hated intheoffice.

排位完了以后你居然去干事那里打小报告了。你能不能说下那是为啥?Q. After qualifying you went to the stewards. Can you tell us what that was about?

制止流言蜚语,不要让人做卧底或者打小报告。Discourage gossip, and don't put people in the position of spying or reporting on each other.

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在学校,若一个小孩告诉老师另一名学生做的坏事,则这个小孩即为打小报告者。In school, a kid is called a tattletale for telling a teacher about another student's bad behavior.

苏茜,不要告诉比利。比利会告诉妈妈的。比利是一个喜欢打小报告的人。他会让我陷入麻烦之中。Sussie, don't tell Billy . Billy will tell mom. Billy is such a tattletale. He will get me in trouble.

把那些爱打小报告的、罗嗦的、狗腿的同事,还有坏老板通通打倒,爽吧,哈哈。Snitch on those who love the game, wordy , dogleg angel colleagues, bad bosses get knocked Shuangba. haha.

吹毛求疵和打小报告不会给你带来任何结果——不过你可以做几件事来解决这个问题。Carping and tattling won't get you anywhere – but there are a few things you can do to alleviate the issue.

嗯---,我可不想当个爱打小报告的人。除此之外,彼得今天早上还送给我半条巧克力呢!Well, I don't want to be a tattletale. Besides, Peter gave me half of his chocolate candy bar this morning.

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嗯---,我可不想当个爱打小报告的人。除此之外,彼得今天早上还送给我半条巧克力呢!Well, I do not want to be a tattletale . Besides, Peter gave me half of his chocolate candy bar this morning.

她好管閒事,还喜欢打小报告,而艾伯特相信大部分她说的话。She loves to poke her nose into everyone's business. She also likes to be a tattletale, and Albert listens to most of what she says.

你有没有过这样的同事---你本来很中肯的言论被他一搅和,变成了对管理层的攻击,然后他又向上面打小报告?Have you ever had a coworker spin your half of a neutral conversation into a tirade against your management team and then report it to them?

老师们将扮演坏学生的角色,他们迟到、咀嚼口香糖、交头接耳、被训斥和打小报告。Teachers usually behave badly, they are late, chew gum, talk to deskmateshave to be reprimandedsent to the head teacher who is also a senior pupil.

但在正式的教师小组会议上,知道老师有向校长打小报告,于是出言就慎重多了。But at the teachers' formal group meetings, where they knew that another teacher might report their insults to the principal, they were more discreet.

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问题正如安华本身亲口所言,他从未向美国求助,也未说过曾向美国打小报告。Just like the question Anwar itself says personally, he never seeks help to the US, also had not said once calumniated somebody to superiors to the US.

老师们将扮演坏学生的角色,他们迟到、咀嚼口香糖、交头接耳、被训斥和打小报告。Teachers usually behave badly, they are late, chew gum, talk to deskmates and have to be reprimanded and sent to the headteacher who is also a senior pupil.

灶神已经成为监督人间过错,专向天帝打小报告,说人坏话的神了。The God of Kitchen, therefore, has become a God to supervise mistakes made in the domain world, make reports to the Emperor of Heaven and to say ill of people.