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而且匠心独具,制作精细。and it's just very well conceived and developed.

每一个角落均有其妙处,足见主人的匠心独具。Every part shows the inventive mind of the owner.

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事实上在中国我还没见过如此匠心独具的设计。In fact, I’ve never seen anything as tastefully done in China.

在结构上,哈代小说可谓匠心独具。As organization is concerned, the novel of Thomas Hardy could be said.

广告是激烈的竞争以及设计者匠心独具、精雕细琢的产物。Advertising English is the product of tough competition by the advertisers.

眺望窗外蓝天碧水,匠心独具的欧式园林,必令阁下身心无比舒畅。Looking windows blue sky clear water ends the European style gardens, and will make you happy with.

匠心独具,百货式高端家居卖场,引领消费新潮流。Unique design, comprihensive top furniture supermarket, leading the new fashion of furniture consumption.

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他的社会权力史别出心裁、匠心独具,理论上讲是马克思·韦伯“社会理想型”研究方法的延续。From the theoretical view point, his history of social power is the continuation of Marx Webers "Social Prototype" study.

塔内以天、地、水三种不同的环境中的代表动、植物作为装饰,匠心独具,妙趣横生。Tower to heaven, earth, water, three different environments on behalf of animals and plants as decoration, Creative design, fun.

匠心独具的青少年组合,让年轻的脚步跟时代潮流让青春的活力拂动如丝长发,空气中飘扬的都是青少年的欢乐。An inventive teenager group that follow the steps of fashion with the energy of the youth and makes the air full of the gladness of the youth.

事实上,正是由于迦梨陀娑匠心独具的艺术构造,才使诗剧获得了一种永恒独特的魅力,这匠心独具的艺术构造便是“诅咒”与“遗忘”手法的出色运用。This article argues that the everlasting charm of the poetic drama is its artistic composition, that is, the use of techniques of cursing and forgetting.

无论艺术家私、装饰材料、工艺摆件、环境雕刻等皆匠心独具,气度非凡,处处闪烁着新古典注意的光辉。With the natural colour of delicate light and shade change, our artistic furniture, decorative material, handicraft artcles and sculptures are all original.

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从宾馆最初的布局与设计到后期的布置与装饰,所有的设施都以独到的构思与简洁明快的手笔匠心独具。Hotel design and layout of the original layout and decoration of late, all the facilities are unique with the idea of a simple and neat reverberates Originality.

经名家潜心设计、匠心独具,融合了中、西典雅风格,精致彰显商旅客人之独到品位。As an elaborate work of masters, it embodies unique design blending elegant Chinese style with western style and exquisitely displaying the unique taste of the guests.

采用中国传统设计元素,镶嵌青花瓷。创意独到、匠心独具,集实用、艺术、欣赏、收藏为一体。Using traditional Chinese design elements, enchase blue and white porcelain. Creative original, the craftsmanship, set practical, art, appreciate, the collection as one.

采用中国传统经典窗棱镂空设计元素,镶嵌青花瓷。创意独到、匠心独具,集实用、艺术、欣赏、收藏为一体。Using traditional Chinese classic window arris hollow out design elements, blue Mosaic. Creative original, the craftsmanship, set practical, art, appreciate, the collection as one.

匠心独具的高尔夫独栋别墅客房,让您和您的家人、挚友休闲度假时感受来自名流维景酒店的全方位、超一流的管家式酒店服务体验。Single golf villa room has great originality, you and your family your friend can experience the all-round and super-class housekeeper type service we offer during your leisure vacation trip.

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梅洛、庞蒂提醒我们注意这个画图动作的矛盾,由于时间拉长的缓慢动作,我们能够想像这些画笔的每道挥毫的匠心独具。Maurice Merleau-Ponty draws attention to the paradox of this gesture which, enlarged by the distension of time, enables us to imagine the most perfect deliberation in each of these brush strokes.