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这是彻头彻尾的强权政治。This is out-and-out power politics.

超级大国正在玩弄强权政治。Super-power is playing power politics.

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霸权主义和强权政治依然存在。Hegemonism and power politics still exist.

中国不搞霸权主义,不搞强权政治,不对外搞军事扩张。China does not seek hegemony and power politics.

霸权主义和强权政治有新的表现。Hegemonism and power politics have new manifestations.

要争取和平就必须反对霸权主义,反对强权政治。To work for peace one must oppose hegemony and power politics.

如今在西亚地区,它是强权政治的一个因素。It is today a factor in power politics in the West Asia region.

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我们坚决反对任何形式的霸权主义,强权政治和侵略扩张行为。We firmly oppose hegemonism, power politics and expansion in whatever form.

欧盟的成立标志着欧洲唾弃了旧时的强权政治。The European Union is a monument to Europe's rejection of the old power politics.

事实上,多年来两国已经越走越近——纯粹是因为强权政治。In fact, the two countries have been edging closer for years—for reasons of pure realpolitik.

他还称国家间相互利用的强权政治时代已经过去。He said the days of big power politics when countries could be treated as chess pieces were over.

他们是外部强权政治的傀儡,外部强权政治国家利用巴基斯坦对付印度这样的国家。何去何从呦!They are the puppet of external power , that external power using pak. to distroy country like India.

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然而影响稳定的不确定因素依然存在,保全主义和强权政治不愿退出舞台。Nonetheless, destabilizing factors of uncertainty remain, with hegemonism and power politics retaining a foothold.

这些奏疏体现了鲜明的民本思想和知识分子对强权政治所作出的独立批判。It also reflected intellectuals' arduous seeking for independence so that they can maintain candid criticism on politics.

这些奏疏体现了鲜明的民本思想和知识分子对强权政治所作出的独立批判。It also reflected intellectuals' arduous seeking for independence so that they can maintain candid criticism on polities.

以大国姿态对待美国,确定既反对美国的强权政治又在世界事务中与美国进行合作的双向战略。A great-power foreign policy strategy calls for opposition to US power politics and cooperation with the US in world affairs.

但是霸权主义和强权政治依然存在,局部地区的武装冲突还在继续,天下仍不太平。However, hegemonism and power politics continue to hang on, regional armed conflicts persist, and the world is still not tranquil.

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北京大学的朱峰称,这种基于“强权政治的传统思维方式”是不合时宜的。According to Zhu Feng of Peking University, such calculations based on “the traditional mentality of power politics” are misplaced.

以史为鉴,新世纪初,我们仍要继续反对美国的霸权主义和强权政治。By learning lessons from history, we must continue to oppose American hegemonism and power politics in the beginning of new century.

然而,在将中国视为战略竞争者的同时,华盛顿认为这种军事竞赛只是强权政治中重要的部分。Yet as long as Washington accepts that China is a strategic competitor, this military rivalry is just part and parcel of power politics.