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谁将负责他的食宿?Who will look to his board and lodging?

在周日我食宿在特纳家。I board with the Turners during the week.

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布朗先生让儿子食宿都在那户人家。Mr Brown boarded his son with that family.

我们得设法解决贫民的食宿问题。We should manage to house and feed the poor.

但是一流的食宿酒店是一个周期性的行业。But top-class accommodation is a cyclical game.

教师和牧师常轮流到各家食宿作为薪金的一部分。The teachers and ministers used to board around.

你每个月的食宿费用是多少?How much do you charge a month for room and board?

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请自行安排食宿。Please make your own arrangements for accommodation.

这个度假胜地提供的食宿,丰俭随意。The resort provides accommodation to suit every pocket.

告示上说你们提供食宿,对吗?The notice said that your provide board and lodging, right?

外埠出差客户负责翻译的交通、食宿等费用。For mission requiring evection, all cost will be borne by the client.

南极研究站得要解决约150人的食宿问题。The South Pole Station will be able to feed and house some 150 people.

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学校会负责为参加冬令营的小朋友安排食宿,由专人做饭。A living place will be provided with a cook for the kids in winter camp.

“贝赞特之家”为初高中学生提供每周七天的食宿。Besant House offers 7-day boarding for junior high and high school students.

按照邦克赫尔特的描述,她会在一个轻松的环境里为猫狗等宠物提供食宿。Bunkholt boards dogs and cats in what she describes as a relaxed atmosphere.

他给出的薪水为每月3,000元,并提供免费食宿。He's offering to pay the woman 3, 000 yuan a month, plus free room and board.

公司提供食宿,5天8小时制。有优越的福利体系制度。Provide bodar and lodging, 5 days 8 hours system. A superior system of welfare.

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本会将提供往返机票、食宿及特色礼品。Our association will provide round-trip ticket, room and board and special gift.

MYM的管理者认为他们的选手有获得更好食宿的权利。MYM managers feel that their players have the right to obtain better accommodation.

芭蕉常常睡在寺庙,寺里的和尚给他提供食宿。Often he slept in Buddhist temples where monks gave him food and shelter for the night.