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泰勒于今年三月去世,终年79岁Taylor died in March at age 79.

有些国家终年无雪。Snow is absent in some countries.

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终年39岁,她的一生很短暂。So, she lived a pretty short life.

人生犹如一片荒原,终年雪地冰天。Life is a barren field, Frozen with snow.

索尼娅20日在睡梦中去世,终年87岁。Sonia died in his sleep 20, aged 87 years.

这里气候温和,终年无霜雪。It is mild and frost-free all the year round.

它是一座常年披著面纱的山,山上的雪终年不化。It is a mountain filled with snow perennially.

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1986年,哈伯德在他的房车中死于中风,终年74岁。In 1986, Hubbard died, of a stroke, in his motor home.

老伯爵死于心脏病发作,终年六十五岁。The old tyrant was dead of a heart attack at sixty five.

英国作家艾扎克·沃尔顿在温切斯特去世,终年90岁。Izaak Walton, English writer, died at Winchester aged 90.

欧洲终年植物,其锯齿状叶子可制黄色染料。European perennial whose serrate leaves yield a yellow dye.

他终年为全家提供衣食而劳碌。He tugged all the year round to feed and clothe his family.

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怀基基这里终年不冷不热。Waikiki is neither too hot nor too cold all the year round.

但5年之后,拉希德仍旧在监牢中枯坐终年。So why is Rasheed still lingering in jail, five years later?

至于其余的人,他们却老待在那种终年不亮的沉沉黑夜里。As for the rest of mankind, stagnating night rests upon them.

更新——迈克尔·杰克逊今天辞世,终年50岁。UPDATE -- Michael Jackson passed away today at the age of 50.

航海家,于七月十二日逝世,终年78岁。Pius Mau Piailug, master navigator, died on July 12th, aged 78

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郁郁的玉泉河终年唱着难懂的歌。Dies of Yuquan River singing difficult songs throughout the year.

武当山终年云雾缭绕。Seas of clouds enshroud the peaks of Mt. Wudang throughout the year.

实际上,并没有栖息高峰这一回事,鸟儿终年栖息。In fact, there is not a peak roosting time. The birds roost all year.