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赫佐格想起来了,他是个贪嘴的人。Herzog remembered him as a greedy eater.

昨天下午我妈妈给我带来一盒巧克力。我贪嘴。就把它全吃了。Let me see. Oh, yes, I ate a box of chocolates.

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他吃相像猪一样,贪嘴得很,动静还很大。He eats so greedily and noisily. He's like a pig.

孙悟空、猪八戒也往往分别因为一时贪嘴而引出祸端。Moreover, King Monkey and Pig always make trouble because of glutton.

因此,食用红西柿时切不可贪嘴。Therefore, the consumption of red when the West must not be greedy persimmon.

当然你要注意别贪嘴涂抹过多的花生酱,毕竟它拥有较高的卡路里含量。Just don't gonutty plastering on the tasty spread, since it is high in calories.

原因嘛,因为我喜欢旅行,有点贪嘴,另外,我希望能追随我父亲的脚步。Because I wanted to travel, I liked eating and I wanted to follow in the foot steps of my father"."

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昨天下午我妈妈给我带来一盒巧克力。我贪嘴。就把它全吃了。Well, my mother brought me a box of chocolates yesterday afternoon. I was a bit greedy and ate the whole box.

幸亏她午餐餐桌上的碧绿爽口的沙拉能为她贪嘴的小“过失”稍加调整。Her lunch is fortunately mensal the verdure that go up tastily what salad can be her gluttonous is small " error " adjust slightly.

四喜知道是他一时贪嘴,才害九妹输了面子,想到街上找九妹道歉。Four xi know is his greed, only harm nine younger sister to lose face, think of the street to find nine younger sister to apologize.

偶尔小小贪嘴一下不会引起体重显著增加,但是持续的应激会导致习惯性地耽于美食,放开食量,结果减肥大业前功尽弃。Although one hot fudge sundae won't cause significant weight gain, persistent stress could lead to a pattern of binge or comfort eating that undoes previous weight loss.