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威名天下扬。One's fame has spread far and wide.

他留下威名,让世界谈虎色变He left the name, at which the world grew pale

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当他十六岁时已经是威名远播的射雕英雄了!When he was 16 when is sometimes ornery shoots carves the hero!

威名响四海,富甲可敌国,江湖称其为墓王派。Rests in the ring, the rich can be the enemy, river's lake as the tomb of king.

他是俱乐部和国家队的双料队长,利物浦对他奉若神明,他的威名让所有对手都闻风丧胆。He's captain of both club and country, idolised by the KOP and feared by opponents everywhere.

他们通过发现财富和黄金并带回给皇后使自己威名远扬。They had come to make a name for themselves by finding riches and gold to carry home to the Queen.

尽管我是第一次来郑州,但少林寺的威名早已知晓。Although the first time in Zhengzhou, I 've already known Shaolin Temple's influence for long time.

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像威名赫赫的李嘉诚、郑裕彤、郭炳湘兄弟、李兆基等,概莫能外。Like the famed half Ka, Ma, Ping Guo brothers, Shau Kee Studentship , there should be no exceptions.

大量栖息在东部地区的黑兽人听说了这个战争巨头的威名,纷纷涌向它的麾下。Many of the Black Orcs to the east have also heard of this mighty warlord and they flock to his banner.

在上一季游戏中他所率领的征程公会就表现出色,打出了赫赫威名。In the journey consortium that he leads in game of on one season shows scene, called illustrious prestige.

可以说,王德用“少有威名”而“老有所成”,一生多有坎坷,少历战阵却颇有名望。It can be said Wang of "Wal rare" and "old age as" more than a rough life, but rather less experience war to fame.

虽然任何一个城市都不像中国的城市那么大,但是它们都有着自己的享有威名的足球队,有的城市甚至还有两个队。Although many of the cities are not as large as those in China, they have famous football teams and some even have two.

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尽管其马上冲锋威名赫赫,但有时处于实际需要步行作战更为有效。Although they have a reputation for rashness when mounted, many are pragmatic enough to realise that sometimes it is better to fight on foot.

家境富有,受过良好教育。曾迅速在法律界立下威名,后来投身政治,而后与党派之争和阴谋反叛事件纠缠在一起。Born to a wealthy family, he quickly established a brilliant career in law and plunged into politics, then rife with factionalism and conspiracy.

毕竟铁帅与他的铁血骑兵已在草原上树起了不败的威名,在每一个人的心中播下了恐惧的种子。After all Tieshuai with his cavalry Jagged erected on the prairie has been unbeaten in the Wal-Mart, in the hearts of everyone sowed the seeds of fear.

由于其威名赫赫,故而需求日盛,那些留在故土的轻骑兵们则踏上佣兵生涯。Well renowned as elite light cavalry, those that remained in their native land prefer to take lucrative work as mercenaries, since they are much in demand.

历史上便闻名于世的南京路如今继续着它作为全中国乃至全亚洲最繁华商业街的威名。Once known as Nanking Road, today's Nanjing Road still continues as the most famous shop and market-strewn street in all of China – perhaps even all of Asia!

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昭陵陪葬者多为出将入相的人物,他们不仅在历史上留下了赫赫威名,他们的丰功伟绩也被人们所传颂。Those who were buried with Emperor Tai Zong mostly were generals and ministers, with illustrious legendary heroism and remarkable achievements being left in history.

韦德,科比还有詹姆斯都是美国队储备的老队员,正是他们在2004年奥运会上无奈只拿了铜牌,心有不甘,便萌生了要成为美国“重塑威名之队”这一辉煌诉求。Wade, James and Anthony were all reserve members of the US team that had to settle for bronze at the 2004 Olympics, sparking the golden quest of this US "Redeem Team".