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照在床前明月的亮光。The moon shines on my bed.

这时天空开始泛出亮光。Light was pouring into the sky now.

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他在火炉子发出来的亮光里坐着等候。He waited in the light of the stove.

油灯发出柔和的亮光。The oil-lamp sent out a gentle beam.

亮光招引了很多昆虫。The light attracted a lot of insects.

茱莉亚在洞四周闪动亮光。Julia shone the light around the cave.

岸上一束亮光起了航标的作用。A steady light beaconed from the shore.

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舱室里慢慢地充满了亮光。His room was filling slowly with light.

北边的亮光仍在微微闪烁。The light in the north still glimmered.

在他阴暗沉郁的脑海里闪耀亮光。Glows and grows in the murk of his brain.

亮光刺得她眯起眼睛。Her eyes squinted against the brightness.

突然,在黑黢黢的山洞里,他看见了一丝亮光。Suddenly he saw a light in the dark cave.

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没有亮光,也分不出白天夜晚。Without light, there was no day. Or night.

从钥匙孔透进一丝亮光。A thread of light emerged from the keyhole.

闪电的亮光照亮了现场。Flashes of lightning illuminated the scene.

地板蜡能增加亮光。Wax applied to a floor heightens the shine.

哦!一阵风吹来伴随着一道亮光。Ooooh, with the wind and out with the light.

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从钥匙孔透进一丝亮光。A theasyst of light emerged since the keyhole.

时不时有这样的孔穴给幽径透点亮光。From time to time such holes light up the path.

等待拍摄对象朝亮光里看时再拍摄。Wait to shoot until people look into the light.