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就我来说,帮助他是责无旁贷的。I'm duty-bound to help him.

履行诺言将是责无旁贷的。Fulfilling it will be tough.

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工商部门当然是责无旁贷。Of course, is the duty of the business sector.

众志才能成城,聚沙才能成塔,我们责无旁贷。Zhongzhi can into the city, sand-to-tower, we obliged.

保荐人责无旁贷,也只有如此,才能得到投资者的认同。Duty sponsors, and only this, investors can be recognized.

预防、减少在校学生犯罪,学校责无旁贷。Schools are duty-bound to prevent and check campus crimes.

从根本上改变这一状况,政府责无旁贷。To change this from the root, the government is duty-bound.

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作为一名理论工作者,为这项工程献计献策,我们责无旁贷。As a theorist, suggests plans for this project, we are duty-bound.

帮助弱势群体维咔奇责无旁贷。That helping disadvantaged groups is the indispensable duty of WEIKAQI.

全球资金是获得成功的关键,但我们责无旁贷。Global dollars are essential to this success, but the buck stops with us.

这殊非易事,但面对当前公共卫生突发事件,我们责无旁贷。This is not easy. But this is a public health emergency, and this is our job.

员工的不断发展与进步是公司责无旁贷的责任。The continuous development of staff and progress is duty-bound responsibility.

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激发、鼓励和引导学生是教育者责无旁贷的义务!Educators mus be responsible for motivating, encouraging, and guiding students.

激发、鼓励和引导学生是教育者责无旁贷的义务!Educators must be responsible for motivating, encouraging, and guiding students.

公安机关作为维护稳定的主力军,积极预防、妥善处置群体性事件,责无旁贷。To handle appropriately group event is an inescapable duty of public security organs.

这就使富裕国家担负起一个重大责任,对此,中国也责无旁贷。That places a big responsibility on the rich countries – and it is one that China shares.

“我的确不认为他是故意手球,”贝克汉姆责无旁贷地挺身而出。"I really don't think he meant it, " said David Beckham, who was bound to interject at some point.

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对于我们,失败主义是罪恶,争取抗日胜利是责无旁贷的。For us defeatism is a crime and to strive for victory in the War of Resistance is an inescapable duty.

人民有固定住所,生活,工作和社会的繁荣和稳定,而且也责无旁贷的职责。People have fixed abode, to live, work and social prosperity and stability, but also duty-bound duties.

求学海外期间,“振兴中华,责无旁贷”这八个字一直激励着我。To study overseas, "invigorating the Chinese nation, is duty-bound " It's been eight words inspired me.