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门已闩稳当了。The door is secured with bolts.

把舵的不慌,乘船的稳当。Do not fear the helm, the boat secure.

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我现在坐得很稳当,谢谢你。I’m resting comfortably now, thank you.

妥贴稳当。Everything is satisfactorily arranged on a sound basis.

它有多稳当?“你为什么不抓住它,看看?”How secure is it? ‘Why don't you grab hold of it and see?'

知识源于教育,同时也是通往智能较稳当的一条路。Knowledge derives from education and is a surer road to wisdom.

过了好久,它迈出了第一步,虽然不太稳当,但是它接着又走了一步。After a long moment, it took an unsteady step, and then another.

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黑色柔软外层,使用舒适,握持稳当。Soft black material on outer surface for comfort and a firm grip.

我带着骨灰盒走到礁石上坐下来,把它在自己身边放稳当。I carry the urn over to the rocks and sit down, balancing it beside me.

不久﹐他在痰中发现了血﹐最后他连走路也不稳当。Soon, he found blood in his saliva. Later he developed a stumbling gait.

这只鸡雏刚出生没多久,走路还不稳当呢。This chick was born not long ago, and is not even able to walk steadily.

强壮并迈步稳当的动物,比马身体小而耳朵长。Hardy and sure-footed animal smaller and with longer ears than the horse.

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把不好固定的东西放在车备箱中或者安全稳当地放在车的地板上。Store loose items in your trunk or secure them to the floor of your vehicle.

然后,你在那巨石下挖洞弄出了一双稳当之靴。Later, you dig a hole beneath the boulder and lift out a pair of Surefooted Boots.

格伦-约翰森在中后卫位置上表现稳当,与其搭档的是来自富勒姆的扎-奈特。Glen Johnson had a safe game at centre-back where he partnered Fulham's Zat Knight.

过了好久,它迈出了第一步,虽然不太稳当,但是它接着又走了一步。Then it looked at me.After a long moment, it took an unsteady step,and then another.

你把高风险贷款大卸八块再重包装成看起来好像还稳当的证券。You slice and dice and repackage high-risk loans into securities that seem to be solid.

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这也是创建把人类福祉作为其核心的价值体系的最稳当方式。It is the surest route to a value system that puts the welfare of humanity at its heart.

凹凸参差,真假稳当,有清芬高雅之感。True and false of concave and convex jagged, secure, has the feeling of qingfen elegance.

你要知道叶瑟的儿子活在世上一天,你连你的王位都不得稳当!For as long as the son of Isai liveth upon earth, thou shalt not be established, nor thy kingdom.