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我想知道脱胎丝绸佛是怎么做的?I wonder how the bodiless silk Buddha is made?

脱胎漆器有什么特别吗?Well, what's special about bodiless lacquerware?

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他的关于异化的理念绝大部分脱胎于黑格尔。His idea ofalienation was derived mostly from Hegel.

所以,它是脱胎。这真是高超的工艺!It is therefore bodiless . It is wonderful workmanship!

怎样分析并创造脱胎于其它艺术品掂煺术品。How to analyze—and create—artworks made out of other artworks.

我国脱胎于半殖民地、半封建的农业国。Born Out of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal agricultural country.

脱胎于地下音乐节的年轻摇滚力量。Chui Ball Tong emerge from the womb of underground original music circle.

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除了脱胎漆器,我们还经营木胎漆器,夫人。Besides bodiless lacquerware, we also deal in wooden-bodied lacquerware, madam.

身体的律动脱胎出诗歌,并且捋顺他的节奏。The movement of the body releases a poem and then confirms its rhythmic identity.

所有的电影都脱胎于剧本,而很多剧本都脱胎于推销用剧本。All movies start with screenplays. Many of those screenplays start as spec scripts.

为了改变这种景象,2007年以来,环溪村开始脱胎换的新农村改建。In order to change such image, Huangxi Village started the new countryside transformation.

如果临高俯视,可以辨认出所有的建筑造型都脱胎自一幅完整的50元人民币纸币的图案。Viewing from above, people see a complete picture taken from the image on a 50-yuan banknote.

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这种新的研究范式,反过来又影响了其所脱胎的经注研究范式。On the other hand the new paradigm of historiographical annotation influenced Classical annotation.

报告文学脱胎于散文,在其发展过程中逐渐发展成为一种独立的文体——处于新闻与文学之间的一种边缘性体裁。Reportage emerged from the womb of the prose and has developed into a kind of independent form of writing gradually.

该刺法脱胎于“报刺法”而成,常用于消脂减肥与静脉曲张,疗效显著。And it derived from "Bao-ci method" of Huangdi-Neijing, which often used to wear off the fat and cure varicose veins.

自愈的力量脱胎于生活,那些克服挑战、随机应变的经验才是帮助它成长的养料。Your bounce-back muscles are shaped and formed by life experiences—by overcoming challenges and rising to the occasion.

丹麦墓园与欧洲其他国家的墓园一样,脱胎于中世纪的教堂墓园,兴起于18世纪中期。Like other European countries, Danish cemeteries derived from medieval graveyards, and shaped in the middle of 18th century.

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汉赵国政治组织的军事化,又是脱胎于匈奴五部社会组织的部落化。The militarized political organization continued the transformation to the tribes of the social organization of the Xiongnu.

同时,由于外约旦的民族政党脱胎于传统的部落社会中,存在着明显的局限性。Meanwhile, because the political party emerges from the womb of the traditional tribal society, exists the obvious limitation.

电视纪录片脱胎于电影,早期作品说教味较为浓重,大多是创作者实现宣教主旨的工具。Televised documentary derives from movies, the early homiletic works became a tool for framer to realize their propaganda purpose.