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天光将晓。The day will dawn.

是谁温暖了天光,又是谁把月色点亮?Who climes the daylight? Who lights the moon?

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谢你在天光大亮时匆匆赶来。Thank you for for your hurrying up in the morning !

白日的天光,把麦尔布礼先生的整个产业都展现在人们面前。The daylight revealed the whole of Mr. Melbury's homestead.

楼梯的一侧墙面开有不规则的砖孔,天光经此透射进楼髧梯间。As a reference light comes through small holes in the format of bricks.

天光使用蓝紫色并且倍增为默认值1。To skylight I gave purple-blue color and I let multiplier on default value 1.

天光大亮,方雨山出现在六人面前。The sky brightens bright, square rain mountain appears ahead six people faces.

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地形系统使用相同的解决方案,当使用天光的时候会有全新效果.Terrains use the same solution and gain a whole new look when used with skylight.

徐徐的红霞透露出天光隐隐的希望,霎那间如同挥墨祭奠刚刚停留过的朝阳。The red reveal faint hope sky, suddenly as volatile ink Memorial just stayed sunny.

天光有异,也正因觉察到这个变化,他才抬起头来看。The light had changed, and it was the sense of this which had caused him to look up.

然而,这种间接光照的效果并不像天光那样明显。However, this indirect illumination will not have as much of an effect as the skylight.

这是我看到过的最迷人的天光,而且是在星星出现之前。It was the most amazing light show I had ever seen, and that was before the shooting stars began.

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除了有一线天光,被微风吹过,葱绿的昏暗和苔藓的羊肠小路。Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown, Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.

在天光与暗影的交界线下,除掉一个灯光的小亮点儿以外,什么东西也看不见。Beneath this meeting-line of light and shade nothing was visible save one solitary point of light.

这个美丽的星球重生成为一个有着天光的星球,奇妙,惊艳。The beautiful planet was rebirthed into a planet of heavenly light, wonderful and amazing to behold.

在天光完全被吞没之前,我们渡过湿地,来到河的泥岸。Before the daylight completely faded, we tramped through the wet grounds to the mucky bank of the river.

夜将发白,天光将晓,我们将凝望彼此的眼睛,然后各走各路。The night will pale, The day will dawn, We shall look at each other's eye and go on our different paths.

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当掉的浅色寂语、你开了一家收购店、等来了遗忘的海角天光。When off the light color of silence language, you opened a takeover shops, have forgotten cape skylight.

那里也是不见一线天光,屋子里空气混浊,一股味儿叫人喘不过气来。From that room too, the daylight was completely excluded, and it had an airless smell that was oppressive.

楼梯结合了现代设计,并且伴随着聚焦于顶部的天光面向庭院。The stairs incorporated modern design and face the courtyard with the skylight brining the focus to the top.