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汉语中词的兼类是一个普遍存在的现象。Category ambiguity in Chinese is an universal phenomenon.

最后,探讨了此部分中词和词义的关系。Finally, has discussed relations between words and the word meaning in this part.

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方岳是南宋徽州词坛中词学成就最高的词人。Fang Yue was the greatest with the highest achievements in Huizhou poetic altar of the Southern Song Dynasty.

维语是一种粘性语言,在这一类语言中词是由词根加词缀构成,理论上维语的词汇量是无限的。Uighur language is a type of agglutinative language, in which words are formed by attaching suffixes to a stem.

在词法层次上,主要探讨合同中词语的确切含义与大量古词与同义词的使用。In the lexical level, it discusses the exactness of word meaning, and the use of many archaic words and synonyms.

句子中词与词之间的远距离关系和句子意义的理解是建立语言模型的中两个重要问题。Long-distance dependency between words and sentence understanding are two important problems in language modeling.

翻译中词的省略和添补是常用技巧,词性的转换和句型的转换也十分常见。Translation often involves economy of certain words or phrases, and conversion of sentence structures is not uncommon.

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笔者从微观角度具体探讨了书面话语中词块的功能,并给出了实例。The functions of lexical chunks in written discourses are examined in detail at a micro lever and specific examples are given.

近年来依存句法由于其利于描述语言中词与词之间的关系、突出核心词的特点日益得到重视。In recent years, research on dependency parsing becomes active, because dependency grammar benefits to represent the relation between terms.

举例来说,世界上并没有语言能够通过,改变句子中词的顺序,来构成疑问句So, for instance, one example is there's no language in the world that ever constructs a question by switching the order of words around in a sentence.

有一派观点认为,语言中词的产生是由根据的,如果我们仔细观察,我们会看到其中包含了他们的文化。One school of thought proposes that there is more than mere chance in how a language's words emerge, and that if we look closely we see culture peeping through.

实验三,探讨大脑两半球在句子中词汇、语法和信息水平等方面的加工特点。The investigation goes on both in normal sentence order and messy sentence order, and the gender differences in message-level processing are investigated further.

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从母语负迁移入手,通过分析写作中词汇、句法、语篇三个语言层面的汉语母语负迁移现象,以探求提高大学生英语写作水平的有效途径。This paper analyzes the misuses of parts of speech in college English writing from the perspective of mother tongue negative transfer and finds two major reasons.

由于汉语的书写习惯,汉语语句中词与词之间的标志是隐含的,英文的单词与单词之间有空格,所以不存在分词问题。Since the writing habits of Chinese, Chinese sentence symbol between words is implied, the English words have the spaces between the words, so there is easy to separate.

通过大量的例句对俄语中词的重叠结构进行了系统的阐释,分别从通用重叠和专用重叠两个角度论述了词的重叠结构的定义及其结构模式。Analysing respectively from both the view points of universal and special overlaps, the paper discusses the definition of overlap structure and the structure mode of the word.

语义场理论和义素分析方法较多用于研究词汇体系中词与词之间的语义关系,较少用于研究篇章的语义。The theory of semantic field and componential analysis are used in the research of the semantic relations between vocabularies in the glossary system more frequently than the textual semantic.

从英汉词语的歧义、特义及词组合等方面,对英汉语言中词语的文化内涵意义不对等现象进行探讨。This paper discusses on connotation meaning of English and Chinese words and expressions from the various interpretations, special meanings and the compound of words etc. of English and Chinese.

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语句中词的色彩意义的相互影响和制约与句子的句法结构、语义结构和语用结构之间有着某种深层的对应关系。The interaction and co restriction of the connotative meanings of words in sentence correspond to the grammatical structure, semantic structure and pragmatic structure of sentences in deep structure.

对于英语中高级学习者而言,英汉语中词的不同联想意义成为他们词汇学习阿基利斯的脚踝,也是词汇教学中的重点和难点。To the majority of intermediate-advanced English learners, the acquisition of different associative meanings of English and Chinese words exerts great difficulties, hence develops into Achilles heel.